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Image Primitives and Correspondence

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1 Image Primitives and Correspondence
Jana Kosecka George Mason University

2 Image Primitives and Correspondence
Given an image point in left image, what is the (corresponding) point in the right image, which is the projection of the same 3-D point ICRA 2003

3 Matching - Correspondence
Lambertian assumption Rigid body motion Correspondence ICRA 2003

4 Local Deformation Models
Translational model Affine model Transformation of the intensity values and occlusions ICRA 2003

5 Feature Tracking and Optical Flow
Translational model Small baseline RHS approx. by first two terms of Taylor series Brightness constancy constraint ICRA 2003

6 Aperture Problem Normal flow ICRA 2003

7 Optical Flow Integrate around over image patch Solve ICRA 2003

8 Optical Flow, Feature Tracking
Conceptually: rank(G) = 0 blank wall problem rank(G) = 1 aperture problem rank(G) = 2 enough texture – good feature candidates In reality: choice of threshold is involved ICRA 2003

9 Optical Flow Previous method - assumption locally constant flow
Alternative regularization techniques (locally smooth flow fields, integration along contours) Qualitative properties of the motion fields ICRA 2003

10 Feature Tracking ICRA 2003

11 3D Reconstruction - Preview
ICRA 2003

12 Point Feature Extraction
Compute eigenvalues of G If smalest eigenvalue  of G is bigger than  - mark pixel as candidate feature point Alternatively feature quality function (Harris Corner Detector) ICRA 2003

13 Harris Corner Detector - Example
ICRA 2003

14 Wide Baseline Matching
ICRA 2003

15 Region based Similarity Metric
Sum of squared differences Normalize cross-correlation Sum of absolute differences ICRA 2003

16 Edge Detection Canny edge detector Compute image derivatives
original image gradient magnitude Canny edge detector Compute image derivatives if gradient magnitude >  and the value is a local maximum along gradient direction – pixel is an edge candidate ICRA 2003

17 Line fitting Edge detection, non-maximum suppression
x y Non-max suppressed gradient magnitude Edge detection, non-maximum suppression (traditionally Hough Transform – issues of resolution, threshold selection and search for peaks in Hough space) Connected components on edge pixels with similar orientation - group pixels with common orientation ICRA 2003

18 Line Fitting second moment matrix associated with each
connected component Line fitting Lines determined from eigenvalues and eigenvectors of A Candidate line segments - associated line quality ICRA 2003

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