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Colonial America Character Journal

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1 Colonial America Character Journal

2 Introduction Welcome to a Virtual Field Trip (VFT) about life in Colonial New Jersey. You will travel back in time to become a child during Colonial Times. You will create a journal/diary as you travel through this VFT and learn about Colonial New Jersey and the American Revolution. You will choose a Colonial name, sail to colonial New Jersey from England, learn about daily life there, study the causes and results of the American Revolution, and learn about the Declaration of Independence.

3 Creating a Colonial Character
Before you start you need to create your Colonial character. The year is You are a 9 year old boy or girl who is traveling with his/her family to the New World from a small village in England. To choose a Colonial first name, click here: Boys' Colonial First Names Girls' Colonial First Names To choose a Colonial surname, click here: Colonial Surnames Your family has decided to leave England and sail to the colony of New Jersey. Decide why you and your family are coming to the New World by reading this: Why the Colonists came to America. Move to the next slide to get your first journal entry assignment.

4 Journal Entry - Day 1 The Night Before You Sail to the Colony of New Jersey!
The year is 1769, You are 9 years old. You have just received a leather-bound journal on the eve of you traveling to Colonial America. For the first journal entry, introduce yourself. What is your full name? What do you look like? What are your interests? Describe your family and tell a little about them. Tomorrow you leave for the New World. Explain how you feel. Are you scared or excited? Will you miss the family and friends you leave behind in England? You will be sailing to the colony of New Jersey. What is one special possession you are taking with you (besides this journal). What are your expectations? How do you feel about this?

5 Journal Entry - Day 2 Everyday Life in the colony of New Jersey
The year is You are 10 years old. You have been living in the colony of New Jersey for one year now. Describe what daily life is like in New Jersey. This entry could include information on such things as food, education, the church, farming, clothes, and games. You can watch the following videos and/or explore the following websites to discover what life was like in Colonial America: Go to Username: wcresthome Password: wcresthome Click The Thirteen Colonies Click The New Jersey Colony book Chapter 3 "Everyday Life“ (CONTINUED NEXT SLIDE)

6 Journal Entry - Day 2 Everyday Life in the colony of New Jersey
(Continued from previous slide) You can watch the following videos and/or explore the following websites to discover what life was like in Colonial America: Life as a Child in the 18th Century (YouTube) Eighteenth Century Clothing (YouTube) Colonial Cooking (YouTube) Toys and Play in Eighteenth Century America (video) Daily LIfe Colonial Life Colonial Fun Women's Clothing Men's Clothing Education/Schools Farming Food Religion Games Toys and Games

7 Journal Entry - Day 3 Clash of Cultures: Colonists and Native Americans
The year is now You are 11 years old. Now that you have been living in the colony of New Jersey for over one year, you have noticed some similarities and differences between the Colonists way of life and the Native American way of life. After watching/reading the following sites, describe both the similarities and differences in your journal. Watch the 4 videos on this site about the Plimoth Colonists and the Wampanoag Native Americans: Plimoth Virtual Tours Go to Username: wcresthome Password: wcresthome Click The Thirteen Colonies Click The New Jersey Colony book Chapter 1 "Native Americans" and Chapter 2 "A New Colony"

8 Journal Entry - Day 4 Choosing a Trade (Boy)
The year is now You have been living in New Jersey for some time now. Now that you are 13 years old, your parents decided it is time for you to learn a trade. Click on the sites below and choose a trade where you will become an apprentice (someone who learns a trade). List and Descriptions of Trades or History of Colonial Occupations For this entry, describe what it is like learning this trade. What are your responsibilities? Do you miss going to school? What is the best part and worst part of learning this trade? Are any of your friends learning the same trade? Share your feelings about this new experience.

9 Journal Entry - Day 4 Choosing a Trade (Girl)
The year is You have been living in New Jersey for some time now. Now that you are 13 years old, you no longer go to school. Your parents have decided it is time for you to learn a trade. Choose a trade where you will become an apprentice (someone who learns a trade). Your 3 choices are: 1. Huswifery - Learning how to maintain a house (cooking, cleaning, sewing, etc.) 2. Milliner- Working as a dressmaker/seamstress and possibly owning your own shop. 3. Household Servant - Working in another family’s home. For this entry, describe what it is like learning this trade. What are your responsibilities? Do you miss going to school? What is the best part and worst part of learning this trade? Are any of your friends learning the same trade? Share your feelings about this new experience.

10 Journal Entry - Day 5 The American Revolution has Begun!
The year is now You are now 15 years old. The Revolution has begun! For this entry, describe some of the events that have happened that led up to the American Revolution. What were some of the causes? Are any of your family members or friends fighting in the Revolution? How do you feel about this? The sites below will give you some background information. Use some of the following resources: Go to Username: wcresthome Password: wcresthome Click The Thirteen Colonies Click The New Jersey Colony book Chapter 4 “Road to Independence” Go to Username: wcresthome Password: wcresthome Click on Colonial Ear Click on The Revolutionary American Revolution Reading Comprehension Causes and Effects of the American Revolution Causes for the Revolution American Revolution (YouTube video)

11 Journal Entry - Day 6 The Declaration of Independence
The year is now You are now 16 years old. Today is July 4, 1776, and you have just heard that Congress has declared its independence from Britain in the form of a document called The Declaration of Independence. For this journal entry, describe the Declaration of Independence. Why was it so important? What were the results of the Colonies declaring its independence from Britain? How do you feel about all of this? Use the possible resources: Go to Username: wcresthome Password: wcresthome Click U.S. Government Click The Declaration of Independence book Go to Click on Colonial Era Click on The Declaration of Independence book Declaration of Independence short video Why We Celebrate the 4th of July

12 Journal Entry - Day 7 General George Washington Extra Credit Entry (Optional)
It is now You are 17 years old. The Revolution is still going on. You have heard of the remarkable leader of the Continental Army, General George Washington. What interesting facts have you heard about him? What do you think is the most fascinating thing about him? It is rumored that he might visit your neighborhood of Philadelphia. What will you ask him if you meet him? Click to learn more about the life of General George Washington and then write your journal entry. Here are some resources: George Washington YouTube video

13 Games and Puzzles Play the following games: Various Colonial Games
The Jamestown Online Adventure Colonial House Explore more Colonial Williamsburg Kids Zone Plimouth Plantation U.S. Mint Time Machine Liberty's Kids

14 Why People Came to the New World
A long, long, time ago, only Indians lived in what is now known as the United States and Canada. At first the Europeans came to the New World to explore and visit. Other visitors to the new world were fishermen who came to fish. Later traders arrived to trade tools, blankets, and other things with the Indians. The Indians gave them furs in return. Each time these visitors returned home, they told everyone about the wonderful things that could be found in the New World, “America”. There were lots of forests, animals, water, and rich farmland. Soon people from other countries wanted to live in America. When a country builds a settlement beyond its boarders, it is called a colony. People from Spain were the first Europeans to build a colony in America. In 1584, England was in a race with Spain to start new colonies in the New World. Sir Walter Raleigh sent over 108 men to America. After a very hard year, these men returned to England and this colony failed. Three years later, Raleigh sent 117 men, women and children to America. John White was one of the 117 men. His daughter, Eleanor Dare, had the first English baby born in America. Her name was Virginia Dare. John White returned to England to get supplies for the colony. Because Spain was having a war with England, there were no ships available for three years. When John White returned to the colony, the entire colony had disappeared. What happened to Virginia Dare and the other colonist remains a mystery. Their settlement is known as the Lost Colony of Roanoke. In 1606, England’s “Virginia Company of London” sold shares of ownership or stocks to the New World. By selling stocks, they were able to share the cost of starting a new colony. If the colony did well, the stockholders would make lots of money. The wealthy people were able to buy the stocks. If you were poor and wanted to go to America, you could promise to give the company part of any gold or silver you found in the New World. This colony was called Jamestown after King James 1. In 1620, a group called Separatists came to the New World. They were avoiding religious persecution in England. Today we refer to them as Pilgrims. A pilgrim is a person who makes a journey for religious reasons. This colony was called Plymouth (it was also spelled Plimoth). Many pilgrims died during the first year. An Indian named Squanto, and other Indians helped the pilgrims to survive. To thank God and the Indians, the Pilgrims held a celebration in the fall of The Indians were invited to the feast, which was the very first Thanksgiving. In 1629, another religious group called the Puritans came to the New World. They were also seeking religious freedom. They wanted to establish a place that would set an example of how God wanted people to live. Many died coming to the New World. Many died while trying to survive in the New World. So why did people come to America? One reason was that in European countries the first-born son inherited all of the fathers land. Some of the younger sons then came to America to get their land.

15 Why People Came to the New World Cont.
Another reason had to do with religion. In England people had to worship like the King ordered them to. People came to America so they could worship in their own way. Some people were brought to the colonies against their will. Black slaves were brought from Africa to Virginia. Eventually there were black slaves in all of the thirteen colonies, but most of them lived in the South. Some English people came to bring Christianity to the Indians. Others came because they thought America was filled with Jewels and gold! Many others came for the adventure of it all and the excitement of living in a faraway land! The colonists came to America for many reasons. But they had one thing in common. They wanted the freedom to live the way they thought best. Some colonist saw many opportunities awaiting them in the New World. They saw this as a chance for them to have lots of farmland, open new fur trading colonies, and to start a new life for their families. Another group was sent away from England for not being able to pay their bills. They were given land in the New World. This was a place where the poor could make a new life. This colony was called Georgia. The Middle colonies promised people land. Many saw this as their chance to get ahead. They came from many countries to the New World with dreams for a new life. In Maryland, the Catholics established a colony in order to freely practice their religion. The Virginia and Carolina colonies saw the New World as their chance to make money off the rich fertile land. Many others came for the adventure of it all. Back to Creating a Colonial Character

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