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Famous Misteaks Famis Mestakes

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1 Famous Misteaks Famis Mestakes

2 Post-it notes Post it Notes Most people know what Post it notes are. Most people have them in their offices. Most people love them. But post it notes were not a planned product. A man named Spencer Silver was working in the 3M research labs trying to find a super strong adhesive (glue). Silver did develop a new glue, but instead of being super strong, it was super weak. No one knew what to do with the stuff, but Silver didn’t discard it. Then one Sunday, four years later, another 3M scientist was trying to keep his place in his hymn book in for his church choir, but all of his paper place markers kept falling out. Then he remembered Silver’s glue, and he used some to coat his markers. Success! With the weak adhesive, the markers stayed in place, yet lifted off without disturbing the pages. In 1980, 3M began selling post-it notes, and to this day, continue to be one of the most popular office products available!

3 The Leaning Tower of Pisa
The Leaning Tower of Pisa. A long time ago, in 1174, to be exact, an Italian engineer started to work on a bell tower in the city of Pisa. The tower was to be 185 feet high. Construction started and 3 stories were completed. But then…the tower began to lean. The engineer didn’t take into account what they were building on. The soil beneath the tower was too soft, and the foundation was not strong enough to support the weight of the tower. Construction was halted. The tower was finally completed in the fourteenth century, but each year it leans a little more. Architects are still searching for a solution.

4 Thomas Edison Thomas Edison. Thomas Edison is remembered for his many inventions. He improved the telegraph, telephone and typerwriter. He invented the record player, electric lamp, and batteries. He holds 1, 093 patents in the US. However, he also made mistakes that no one remembers. At the age of 15, he blew up a telegraph station while experimenting with a battery. At 16, he forgot to set a danger signal and caused a train to be derailed. He used the trial and error method to succeed. While working on the battery, he made 8,000 tests that didn’t work. He showed he wouldn’t give up by saying “At least we know 8,000 ways that won’t work.” He is also famous for saying “He who is afraid to make mistakes is afraid to try.”

5 Ivory soap is famous for 1 thing—being able to float
Ivory soap is famous for 1 thing—being able to float. But this was discovered by accident. A worker left the mixing machine on for too long and too much air was mixed in the batch. The worker was too embarrassed to tell his boss about the mistake, but it eventually became a very successful product.

6 Potato chips were invented by accident in Sarasota Springs New York by a restaurant chef named George Crum. One day, a customer kept sending a plate of friend potatoes back to the kitchen saying they weren’t crispy enough. George Crum had a bad temper, and he decided to get even with the complaining diner. So he sliced the potatoes very thin, fried them until the were crispy and salted them. Certain that the guest would hate them, he had the potatoes delivered to the table. To everyone’s surprise, the customer was delighted and asked for more. Today, Americans spend over 4 billion dollars a year on potato chips.

7 Babe Ruth is remembered for holding the world record for home runs for almost 30 years. He also at one time held the world record for strikeouts. He said “Don’t let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.”

8 Henry Ford Henry Ford—founder of the Ford Motor Company built his first car in a shed behind his house. Late one rainy night, he had to tear one wall down because the car he built was too big to fit through the door.

9 Chocolate Chip cookies—A lady named Ruth Wakefield accidentally invented chocolate chip cookies when she worked for the Toll House Inn in She was trying to make chocolate cookies, but the small chips of semi-sweet chocolate that she broke up to put in the cookie dough didn’t melt into the dough as she had expected. The chocolate chip cookie was born. They were named Toll House cookies in her honor, and some estimates say that 7 billion chocolate chip cookies are eaten each year.

10 Chistopher Columbus was aiming for India by sailing West when he found North America. He mistakenly thought he was in India when he landed and name the land the West Indies and the people that he saw there “Indians.”

11 Seeing eye dogs Using dogs to help blind people get around safely was discovered by accident during World War I. A doctor was walking outside a hospital with a wounded soldier who had been blinded in battle. The doctor’s dog joined the walk but then the doctor was called into the building for an emergency. The blind patient was left alone with the dog. Soon, the doctor returned, but the blind man and the dog were missing. When he found them, he discovered that the dog had led the blind man across the hospital grounds. The doctor was amazed at what his untrained dog had done and decided to see if a dog could be trained to lead a blind person. The first American Guide dog school was established in 1929, and today, there are 10 major organizations that train seeing eye dogs. The most popular breeds are german shepards, golden retrievers and Labrador retrievers.

12 Michael Jordan—Proclaimed by the head of the NBA to be the greatest player of all time, he won 5 MVP awards, and holds the record for highest career season scoring average at 30 points per game. However, when he tried out for the varsity basketball team his sophomore year in high school, he was cut from the team. Good thing he didn’t give up!

13 Cheese. A poor Arabian fellow was traveling across the desert with no one for company but a camel with yellow teeth, bad breath, and a bad temper. At least the poor guy had brought food along. He had some milk he had poured in a pouch. But when he opened his pouch during the journey, he discovered that the milk had separated into masses “curd.” He had discovered cheese.

14 Frisbees. The original Frisbee was not invented to be thrown—except in the oven. It was a pie tin stamped with the word “Frisbee Pies” since the pies came from the Frisbee Bakery in Connecticut. One day, some students at Yale University bought some pies, and then once the pie was eaten, they began tossing the pie tins to each other. They would call out “Frisbee” to the person to whom they were tossing the pan, or to warn people walking nearby to watch for flying objects.

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