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Place Value and Expanded Form

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Presentation on theme: "Place Value and Expanded Form"— Presentation transcript:

1 Place Value and Expanded Form, Rounding to the Nearest 100, and Estimation Multiplication

2 Place Value and Expanded Form
4,597, what does this number really mean? The 5 in the hundreds place means 5 x 100 4, 359 The 5 in the tens place means 5 x 10 So, remember when you want to know the value of a number, check out its place value and multiply it by the number!

3 Rounding to the Nearest Hundred
Rule: Any number from 50↑ rounds up to the next hundred Any number from 49↓ rounds down to that hundred

4 Rounding Up↑ To round 4,597 to the nearest hundred
because 97 is 50 or greater I round up to 600. 4,597 rounded to the nearest 100 is 4,600

5 Rounding Down ↓ To round 4,547 to the nearest hundred
because 47 is 49 or less I round down to 500. 4,547 rounded to the nearest 100 is 4,500

6 Estimation Multiplication
To estimate the answer to a three digit multiplication problem First round to the nearest hundred then multiply the first two digits and finally add your zeros

7 For Example: To estimate the answer to 235 x 7
First round 235 to the nearest hundred: Because 35 is 49 or less, round ↓ to 200, then multiply 2 x 7 = 14, add the two zeros and the answer is 1,400 235 x 7 = ~1,400

8 To estimate the answer to: 151 x 8
First round 151 to the nearest hundred: Because 51 is 50 or more, round ↑ to 200, then multiply 2 x 8 = 16, add the two zeros and the answer is 1,600 151 x 8 = ~1,600

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