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Implementation “Show-Stoppers,” Roadblocks, and Barriers.

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1 Implementation “Show-Stoppers,” Roadblocks, and Barriers.
Chapter 2 Implementation “Show-Stoppers,” Roadblocks, and Barriers.

2 Show-Stoppers Before implementation can begin, it is necessary to have completed two prerequisites: Top-down leadership Employee empowerment IT-465 Six Sigma Lean

3 Top Down Leadership Improvement = Change
Leaders are responsible for: Creating & communicating the company’s vision, direction, and strategy. Empowering the workforce. Hands-on leadership. The above has to be in place for WCM to begin. Manufacturing Insanity is defined as doing the same thing day after day, and expecting different results. IT-465 Six Sigma Lean

4 Middle Management A supporting management base is also required.
These leaders must understand that: Elimination of all waste is required and development of customer satisfaction. Communication facilitates teamwork, everyone needs the playbook. Be prepared to repeat the message WCM desire is required. Vision of long-term payback. IT-465 Six Sigma Lean

5 Empowerment Prerequisite
This is the second show-stopper. Entire team pulling in one direction, with one agenda. Provides employees with the opportunity to influence results while having a sense of accountability and ownership. IT-465 Six Sigma Lean

6 Empowerment Occurs in an environment where the following exists:
Leadership vs. management. Employees are recognized as the most valuable resource. Teamwork. Decision-making is delegated. Openness, initiative, and risk taking are promoted. Accountability, credit, responsibility, and ownership are shared. IT-465 Six Sigma Lean

7 Empowerment Barriers Lack of trust Poor communication Fear
Poor relationship between mgt & labor. Poor communication Supports a lack of trust. Unclear expectations. Fear People fear the unknown, therefore resist chg. Lack of training Inadequate training leads to confusion, frustration, & anger Lack of measurement What gets measured, gets done. IT-465 Six Sigma Lean

8 Implementation Roadblocks
Concrete mindsets & bad habits We have always done it this way. People Most valuable asset/Largest roadblock Plant baselines Need to understand education & culture Continuous communication Have to repeat message Middle management conversion Frozen middle IT-465 Six Sigma Lean

9 Barriers to Implementation
Identify forces favoring implementation Identify forces opposing implementation IT-465 Six Sigma Lean

10 Forces Favoring Implementation
IT-465 Six Sigma Lean

11 Forces Favoring Implementation
IT-465 Six Sigma Lean

12 Forces Favoring Implementation
IT-465 Six Sigma Lean

13 Forces Opposing Implementation
IT-465 Six Sigma Lean

14 Forces Opposing Implementation
IT-465 Six Sigma Lean

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