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Noddy’s Guide to Kant.

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1 Noddy’s Guide to Kant

2 Kant’s Ethical Theories
1724 – 1804 German thinker from East Prussia (now Russia). He spent his entire life in or around his home town. One most influential philosophers in Western Philosophy.

3 Deontological What makes an action good is when you do your ‘duty’. The motive is what makes an action good – nothing else! Consequences are unimportant!

4 Reason & Moral Law Objective Moral Law
Kant attached great importance on the human ability to reason = all humans have this ability. Humans use their reason to access what Kant terms as the universal moral law – as this is objective it applies to everyone. Objective Moral Law Reason

5 Good will & Duty The ‘greatest good’ (summun bonum) according to Kant is what he terms the ‘good will’. Someone of ‘goodwill’ is not good because of what they achieve/accomplish (consequences) but because he/she acts out of duty. A person performs an action not for wealth, prestige etc because it is your duty.

6 Categorical Imperative
The rules that a person of ‘good will’ will follow are decided through what is termed the Categorical Imperative. The CI is a command (based on the universal rational moral law) that must be obeyed for its own sake and not for any ulterior motive. Categorical Imperative = “Do not lie”  Hypothetical Imperative = “If you want to be respected tell the truth” 

7 Three Versions of the CI
How does a person of ‘good will’ work out which rules/laws to follow and which to not? The three principles are: ‘Principle of Universalisability’ Treat People as ends in themselves Act as if you live in a kingdom of ends

8 ‘Principle of Universalisability’
The right rules to follow are those which can be applied to all people. That is, can a rule be universalised or not? Would it make sense for others to act in this way? All immoral actions are contradictory! Never allow abortions! Always accept help but never give it!

9 Treat People as ends in themselves
In other words treat others with the respect that as thinking beings, they deserve. Do not use people! I am only your friend because I fancy your sister! “You’re my best friend – can come for tea!”

10 Act as if you live in a kingdom of ends
This is a culmination of the two previous features. We should all regard ourselves as living in a community (universal kingdom) and that all people deserve respect as rational and free individuals. If all people treated each other in this way (as ends in ourselves) and follow the CI society would be a much better place to live in which all people can be free!

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