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1920s Great Depression New Deal Tion/Ism Important People

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Presentation on theme: "1920s Great Depression New Deal Tion/Ism Important People"— Presentation transcript:

1 1920s Great Depression New Deal Tion/Ism Important People Miscellaneous $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500

2 Idea that mating with an inferior person (due to race or mental status) will produce an inferior breed of children

3 What is eugenics? $100

4 Name of scandal during Warren G. Harding’s presidency

5 What is Teapot Dome Scandal?

6 Term for African Americans making music, writing poems, etc
Term for African Americans making music, writing poems, etc. in the 1920s

7 What is Harlem Renaissance?

8 Post World War I presidential slogan for the 1920s

9 What is Return to Normalcy?

10 Result of reduced taxes in the 1920s

11 What is increased consumer spending or increased purchases on credit?

12 Reason why the characters in the Grapes of Wrath moved to California

13 What is the Dust Bowl? $100

14 This is what a recession and depression are characterized by

15 What is high unemployment?

16 These closed during the Great Depression

17 What are banks? $300

18 Causes of the stock market crash

19 What are overspeculation and too much consumer spending?

20 1930 law that raised tariffs on imports—one of the causes of the Great Depression

21 What is Smoot Hawley Tariff?

22 Ensures bank deposits

23 What is FDIC? $100

24 Regulates the stock market to prevent fraud

25 What is the Securities and Exchange Commission? $200

26 Liberal opponents of the New Deal

27 Who are Huey Long, Father Coughlin, and Frances Townsend?

28 FDR’s ploy to avoid the Supreme Court declaring his laws to be unconstitutional

29 What is court-packing? $400

30 Reasons why people do not like the New Deal

31 What is too much spending or too much involvement of the federal govt in the economy (nation is socialist)? $500

32 Nativists in the 1920s passed laws to limit this

33 What is immigration? $100

34 The 18th amendment does this

35 What is prohibition? $200

36 The idea that the rich are rich because they have worked hard to compete in society and the poor will stay poor because they are not fit to improve in society

37 What is Social Darwinism?

38 Unconstitutional New Deal program that paid farmers to stop growing crops

39 What is Agricultural Adjustment Administration?

40 Clarence Darrow challenged this idea in the Scopes trial

41 What is creationism or traditionalism?

42 President who conducted fireside chats and closed banks in 1933

43 Who is FDR? $100

44 Sponsored the Back to Africa movement and black nationalism of the 1920s

45 Who is Marcus Garvey? $200

46 Improved efficiency in his factories and working conditions for his employees

47 Who is Henry Ford? $300

48 First female cabinet member; appointed by FDR

49 Who is Frances Willard? $400

50 Daily Double!!

51 Challenged the modern view of evolution in the Scopes trial

52 Who is William Jennings Bryan?

53 Made the First transAtlantic Solo flight; did NOT Support American Involvement in WWII

54 Who is Lindbergh? $100

55 Founder of The US airline industry

56 Who is Glenn Curtiss? $200

57 That controls the money supply By setting interest rates and selling
Government group That controls the money supply By setting interest rates and selling bonds

58 What is The Federal Reserve? $300

59 First female Supreme Court justice

60 Who is Sandra Day O’Conner? $400

61 Who ran for president in 1964
Conservative leader Who ran for president in 1964

62 Who is Barry Goldwater? $500

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