02 | Design and implement database

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1 02 | Design and implement database
solutions using SQL Server and SQL Database

2 Design and Implement Database Solutions using SQL Server and SQL Database
Azure Virtual Machines SQL Database Design Scenarios SQL Data Warehouse

3 Azure Virtual Machines

4 Windows Azure Virtual Machine Tiers
Basic Standard A0 – A4 1 – 8 CPU cores 768 Mb – 14 Gb RAM Max 16 datadisks w/300 IOPS per disk A0 – A11 1 – 16 CPU cores 768 Mb – 112 GB RAM Max 16 datadisks with 500 IOPS / disk D1 – D14 DS1 – DS14 Up to 50,000 IOPS Mb second G series 2 – 32 CPU cores 28Gb to 448 Gb RAM Up to 64 datadisks with 500 IOPS / disk GS Series Up to 64 datadisks with IOPS / disk Lets take a closer look at the details of a Windows Azure Virtual Machine. You have different sizes to choose from from extra small that provides a shared CPU core to an extra large VM that dedicated 8 cores for the application. You also get increased memory and disk as with larger VM sizes. We also recommend that you use the large and extra large sizes if you plan to utilize all of the features of SQL Server 2012 enterprise edition to ensure good performance. With standard you can start with a small vm for the lighter weight SQL Server applications.

5 Demo Provisioning Virtual Machines on Azure

6 Provision, Develop, Deploy and Manage
Provision new Windows Azure VM based on SQL Server template using Azure Portal Develop new applications using SQL Server Data Tools and Visual Studio Configure access using Azure Portal and Windows Firewall in the VM Monitor application over time using Azure Portal and SQL Server Management Studio Create deployment scripts using SQL Server Data Tools and Visual Studio Deploy and test package to Azure VM using SQL Server Data Tools and Visual Studio

7 Move existing workloads to Azure VM
PROVISION DEVELOP DEPLOY MANAGE Identify database(s) to move using MAP toolkit: Convert existing physical or VM to VHD using System Center Virtual Machine Manager* Create VM based on the uploaded VHD using Windows Azure Portal Monitor application over time using Windows Azure Portal and SQL Server Management Studio Upload VHD to Windows Azure Storage using Windows Azure Storage Explorers 1 Configure access using Windows Azure Portal and Windows Firewall in the VM 1 There are multiple tools to manage Windows Azure Storage

8 SQL Database

9 Azure SQL Database Scale up your database performance 350x Double premium storage to 1TB with P11 5 10 20 50 100 125 250 500 1000 1750 B S0 S1 S2 S3 P1 P2 P4 P6 P11 Basic Standard Premium new new Database Throughput Units (DTUs)

10 Performance driven pricing tiers
Basic, Standard, and Premium provide increasing performance levels Scale individual databases up/down via portal, PS, APIs, or T-SQL Database remains online while scaling Hourly billing provides cost efficiency Support for larger databases with more resources Up to 1TB of storage with P11 P11 has 14x more resources than P1 (D14 equivalent) P11 1,750 P6 P4 1,000 P2 500 P1 250 S3 S2 125 B S0 S1 100 50 20 10 DTUs 5

11 Demo Implementing SQL Database

12 Design Scenarios

13 Design Scenario – LOB Application
Scenario: Simple corporate events management application with dependency on on-premises data stored in Active Directory (user thumbnails) Integrate Azure AD for Organizational Account Authentication and graph API. Create database in SQL Database and enable active geo-replication Application is designed to write to primary and load-balanced queries from primary + secondary Add Redis cache for additional scale (cache thumbnails from Azure AD and events from SQL) Enable traffic manager and multiple-region deployment

14 Azure Redis Cache REGION A SQL Database Scale – active geo-replication Primary writes Load-balanced reads Data: Events + Registration Websites REGION B SQL Database Scale – active geo-replication Primary writes Load-balanced reads Data: Events + Registration AADSync Sync identities to Azure Azure AD Hybrid Identity Stores user profile thumbnails synced from AD Active Directory Simulated on-premises environment

15 Design Scenario – E-Commerce Site
Scenario: E-Commerce Application that sells skate boards. Uses social providers or /pass for authentication Product catalog and social comments in DocumentDB Orders table stored in SQL Database using elastic scale. Videos uploaded from users encoded using media services + blob storage Azure Websites Webjobs used to populate Azure search from user comments and product catalog Azure Websites Webjobs used to populate blob storage – use HD Insight + PowerQuery to create sentiment analysis Add Redis cache for additional scale

16 Azure Websites autoscale enabled Auth: Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, User/Pass Azure Redis Cache Product Catalog Media Services + Blob Storage Uploaded Community Videos SQL Database Scale via Elastic Scale Product Orders DocumentDB Scale via Capacity Units Product Catalog Community Posts Search Scale via Search Units Product Catalog Community Posts Azure WebJob (Search) Pulls data from DocumentDB to populate search

17 SQL Data Warehouse

18 Microsoft Ignite 2015 9/18/2018 3:40 PM SQL Data Warehouse Fully managed relational data warehouse-as-a-service The first elastic cloud data warehouse with enterprise-grade capabilities Support your smallest to largest data sets Elastic scale & performance Market Leading Price & Performance Powered by the Cloud © 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

19 Microsoft Ignite 2015 9/18/2018 3:40 PM Elastic Scale Spin up for heavy workloads, cycle down for daily activity Buy time to insight based on what you need, when you need it Choose the combo of compute and storage that meets your needs Elastic scale & performance Powered by the Cloud Market Leading Price & Performance © 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

20 Query unstructured data via Polybase/T-SQL
Microsoft Ignite 2015 9/18/2018 3:40 PM Query unstructured data via Polybase/T-SQL T-SQL query Capability T-SQL for querying relational and non-relational data across SQL Server and Hadoop Benefits New business insights across your data lake Leverage existing skillsets and BI tools Faster time to insights and simplified ETL process SQL Server Hadoop Quote: ************************ ********************** ********************* *********************** $658.39 Jim Gray Name 11/13/58 DOB WA State Ann Smith 04/29/76 ME © 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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