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Supply Warm Ups Unit 2.

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1 Supply Warm Ups Unit 2

2 2/27/13: You’re selling coffee. You think you can sell it for $.25 a cup. How much effort will you put into your business? What if you could sell it for $4.75 a cup? How much effort will you put into your business?

3 2/28/13: Graph: Change in Quantity Supplied or Change in Supply
Jeans are selling for a higher price (jeans). Wheat farmers hear that corn is selling for a higher price (corn). Paper has become more expensive (books).

4 Supply of Jeans S Price B A Quantity
Increase in Quantity Supplied (due to a price change)

5 Supply of Corn S1 S2 Price Quantity Increase in Supply
---Price of Related Goods Quantity

6 Supply of Books S2 S1 Price Quantity Decrease in Supply
---Cost of Inputs/Factors of Production Quantity

7 3/1/13: Toyota realizes it could sell its Hybrid cars for a higher price (Toyota Tundra, a gas-guzzling truck). The government has given subsidies to local wheat farmers (wheat).

8 Supply of Toyota Tundra S2
Price Decrease in Supply ---Price of Related Goods Quantity

9 Supply of Wheat S1 S2 Price Quantity Increase in Supply
---Government Subsidy Quantity

10 3/4/13: A cell phone company who was still making flip phones finds out smart phones sell for a higher price (flip phones). The price of cotton has increased (cotton T-Shirts).

11 Supply of Flip Phones S2 S1 Price Quantity Decrease in Supply
---Price of Related Goods Quantity

12 Supply of Cotton T-Shirts S2
Price Decrease in Supply ---Cost of Inputs/Factors of Production Quantity

13 3/4/13: Summer is approaching, so soon customers will be ready to buy swimsuits (swimsuits). Workers in a shoe factory are now working in better conditions, so they are happier and work harder (shoes).

14 Supply of Swimsuits S1 S2 Price Quantity Increase in Supply
---Producer Expectations Quantity

15 Supply of Shoes S1 S2 Price Quantity Increase in Supply
---Technology/Productivity Quantity

16 3/4/13: The price of televisions has increased (SUPPLY of televisions). The price of televisions has increased (DEMAND for televisions).

17 Supply of Televisions S Price B A Quantity
Increase in Quantity Supplied (due to a price change)

18 Demand for Televisions
Decrease in QUANTITY demanded due to price change B P2 Price P1 A D1 Q2 Q1 Quantity

19 3/4/13: The price of televisions will decrease in two months (demand for televisions). The unemployment rate has increased (demand for cars).

20 Demand for Televisions
Decrease in demand *Expectations for future prices Price D2 Quantity

21 Demand for Cars Price D1 D2 Quantity Decrease in demand
*Income – Normal Good Price D2 Quantity

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