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Asssessment of projects

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Presentation on theme: "Asssessment of projects"— Presentation transcript:

1 Asssessment of projects
Anette Kolmos

2 Alingment

3 PBL and assessment Assessment has an impact on the learning process (Gibbs) Peer assessment has an impact on motivation (Siegers)

4 Individual examination
The Aalborg Model Study courses 7,5 ECTS 50% courses Project courses 7,5 ECTS STUDY PROJECTS Individual assessment One semester Group examination Individual examination 50% project INNOVATION PROJECTS Group assessment Experts in teams Project 15 ECTS Model from The Aalborg PBL model - Progress, Diversity and Challenges Anette Kolmos, Flemming K. Fink & Lone Krogh 1 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) = 30 working hours

5 Team based examination
Supervisors examinors Black board (Audience) Team to be assessed OH screen

6 Team based examination
Presentation of project (students) Comments to presentation (examiners) 1 hour break Detailed questions to Team/individual team members break 3 – 4 hours Votation (examiners) Giving marks and final comments

7 Individual examination
Presentation of project (students) Comments to presentation (examiners) 1 hour break Detailed questions to Individuals – one by one 30 – 40 minutes Votation (examiners) Giving the individual grade

8 Blooms taxonomy 1956 Competence Skills demonstrated 1. Knowledge
Observation and recall of information (describe, identify, who, when, where) 2. Comprehension Understanding information Translate knowledge into new context 3. Application Use information, methods, concepts, theories in new situations 4. Analysis Seeing patterns, organization of parts, rcognition of hidden meanings 5. Synthesis Use old ideas to create new ones. Generalize from given facts. Draw conclusions 6. Evaluation Compare and discremininate between ideas. Assess value of theories. Make choices based on reasoned arguments. Verify value of evidence

9 Old 13-point scale New 7-point scale ECTS 13 12 A 11 10 B 9 7 C 8 4 D 6 02 E 5 00 Fx 03 -3 F

10 The Danish Grading Scale
From  August 2007 the examination assessments in Denmark will be based on the new 7-point scale: Some courses may only be assessed as Passed/Not passed, with no further grading. Examinations, projects, tests etc are considered passed if the student earns a "Pass" or a mark of at least 02. Elaboration on the new 7-point scale: 12 is given for an excellent presentation that demonstrates a high level of command of all aspects of the relevant material and containing no or only few minor weaknesses is given for a very good presentation that demonstrates a high level of command of most aspects of the relevant material and containing only minor weaknesses. 7 is given for a good presentation that demonstrates good command of the relevant material but containing some weaknesses. 4 is given for a fair presentation that demonstrates some command of the relevant material but containing some major weaknesses is given for a presentation meeting only the minimum requirements for acceptance is given for a presentation not meeting the minimum requirements for acceptance is given for a presentation that is unacceptable in all respects. new 7-point scale 12 is given for an excellent presentation that demonstrates a high level of command of all aspects of the relevant material and containing no or only few minor weaknesses is given for a very good presentation that demonstrates a high level of command of most aspects of the relevant material and containing only minor weaknesses. 7 is given for a good presentation that demonstrates good command of the relevant material but containing some weaknesses.

11 new 7-point scale 4 is given for a fair presentation that demonstrates some command of the relevant material but containing some major weaknesses is given for a presentation meeting only the minimum requirements for acceptance is given for a presentation not meeting the minimum requirements for acceptance is given for a presentation that is unacceptable in all respects.

12 Study of Assessment for projects Methods
Empirically drawing on surveys 2006 and 2007: students of which 14% were international students and 15% was assessed individually Academic staff external examiners

13 Preference towards assessment system

14 Preference towards assessment system

15 Preference towards assessment system


17 Skills

18 Skills

19 Skills

20 Skills

21 Perspectives Team based Tendency students focus on the product
Collaboration among experts/deep learning More research and more emplyability Individual Tendency students focus on the process – and less on the product. Collaboration and distribution of knowledge at a more superficial level Less research and less employability

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