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Artificial Gravity.

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Presentation on theme: "Artificial Gravity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Artificial Gravity

2 Centrifuge A centrifuge spins to create an artificial gravity.
Liquid separation Pilot training Amusement rides

3 Fake Gravity Artificial gravity is a fictitious force
The centripetal force is like an elevator accelerating upward. Fnet = mar = FN The net force must be due to a normal force. Experience as weight If rw2 = g then it matches earth’s gravity. Satellite a F Artificial gravity is a fictitious force

4 Gravitron The Gravitron is an amusement ride that uses centripetal force. Rotates at 24 rpm Diameter is 14 m

5 Centripetal Correction
The spin of the earth creates a centripetal acceleration toward the axis of the earth. The effect is like accelerating down in an elevator. Items weigh less at the equator. a = w2r

6 Orbital Force Newton’s law of acceleration applies to orbits.
Centripetal acceleration times mass is the force of gravity The situation is the same for the satellite or any object in the satellite. orbital velocity Satellite or astronaut F a centripetal acceleration Earth

7 Free Fall The net force of an object in circular orbit matches the centripetal acceleration. This is the same for a freely falling object. Velocity does not change the force or acceleration. v Fnet a a = g Fnet = mg v Earth

8 Weightlessness Objects in free fall exert no normal force.
Fnet = -ma = -mg + FN If a = g, FN = 0 The same is true in orbit. Fnet = mar = Fgrav + FN If ar = Fgrav/m , FN = 0 Objects in orbit are weightless.

9 Tidal Gravity The Moon’s gravity is strongest at the closest point.
Near face ocean pulled most Far face ocean pulled least Sides pulled slightly in Moon’s gravity Moon Earth

10 Ocean Tides From Earth a person doesn’t sense the Moon’s pull.
Near and far faces of the ocean bulge away Sides are pulled slightly in Tides occur twice a day as Earth rotates. Moon’s tidal pull Moon Earth

11 Pendulum Swing On a turntable a pendulum doesn’t appear to swing straight. Table turns the observer Fictitious force The deflection is called the Coriolis force. Fcor Fcor

12 Cyclone In the absence of rotation air would move from high to low pressure. Straight line wind The Coriolis force causes wind to turn. Friction causes equilibrium Circular wind pattern around low L L

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