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BALEEN WHALES The gentle giants.

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1 BALEEN WHALES The gentle giants

2 WHALES All whales are mammals Mammals share 5 characteristics
Breathe air Give live birth Nurse their young (with milk) Have hair/fur Warm-blooded Correct term is endothermic = maintain their body temperature internally

3 WHALE CLASSIFICATION Kingdom Animalia Phylum Chordata Class Mammalia
Order Cetacea Suborder Odontoceti (toothed whales) Suborder Mysticeti (baleen whales) Toothed whale Baleen whale

4 BALEEN WHALES Highly migratory
Average 3,000-5,000 km (1,800-3,000 miles) for mating and food Population—worldwide population numbers are high Some populations are depleted Six whale populations are endangered and protected under U.S. Endangered Species Act of 1973 Blue, bowhead, fin, humpback, right and Sei whales

5 BALEEN WHALES Blue whale Bowhead whale Humpback whale Fin whale
Right whale Sei whale

International Whaling Convention (1946) 14 countries that regulate and monitors whale populations and funds whale research Ex. Inuits are told how many whales they can hunt for their food Marine Mammal Protection Act (1972) MMPA made it illegal to hunt or harass any marine mammal in the United States According to the MMPA, all whales in U.S. waters (baleen and toothed) are under the jurisdiction of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).

Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) CITES is an international treaty that provides protection for wild animal and plant species in international trade. Promotes the conservation of endangered species while allowing trade in certain wildlife. Species listed in Appendix I are threatened with extinction and are or may be affected by trade, therefore commercial trade is strictly prohibited. All of the great whales are listed on Appendix I.


9 SIZE Some of the largest animals on Earth
Helps protect them from predators Helps keep them warm (SA/V) Water supports their weight as water is more dense than air Largest is the blue whale ~ 98 feet (30 meters) Second largest is the fin whale ~ 90 feet (27 meters)


11 BALEEN WHALES Body shape is fusiform = rounded in the middle, tapered at both ends, like a football Very large heads Heads are ¼ to 1/3 the entire length of the body Upper jaw is elongated with long strips of baleen attached to it

12 BALEEN WHALES Baleen is made of keratin (same thing as your hair and nails) Stiff baleen is arranged in rows down each side of the upper jaw Used for filter feeding Outer edge of baleen is smooth Inner edge is frayed and used as a strainer Right whales have the longest baleen ~ 13 feet long

13 Strips of baleen Baleen whale skeleton Right whale

14 FEEDING Baleen whales swim at or near the surface of the water with their mouths open Food (zooplankton/krill) caught on the inner edge of baleen Water passes out sides of the mouth Humpback whale feeding Blue whale feeding

15 Lunge feeding humpback whale

16 PREDATORS Killer whales work together as a group to drown baleen whales Large sharks will feed on the ill, injured or very young

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