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Locating Units Using Unit Mapping How a lead is created

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1 Locating Units Using Unit Mapping How a lead is created
Be A Scout Locating Units Using Unit Mapping How a lead is created

2 Training Support Presentation can be downloaded and used to train units at: Click on youth recruitment Print PowerPoint as “Notes Pages” to get the script for use in presenting. This presentation can be downloaded and used to train units at: membership Click on Youth recruitment this training and other BeAScout resources are available Print the PowerPoint as “Notes Pages” to get the script for use in presenting.

3 Locating Units Using Google Maps
Session Objectives: Describe and show how a parent chooses a unit pin to be contacted by your council or unit representative The Session Objectives are: Describe and show how a parent chooses a unit pin to be contacted by your council or unit representative

4 BeAScout Welcome Screen:
The Council and district pin must be active in order for the application to work. We will quickly demonstrate what a potential youth, parent, or volunteer will see on the front-side of BeAScout. When a parent or volunteer goes to, they will click on the correct age group (for this example we will choose Volunteers).

5 Zip Code Screen: Then they will be re-directed to a page where they can enter their zip code.

6 Show Unit Screen: A map will then appear, and the local units will populate the page. In the column on the right, they will see the local units, in order of proximity. “Show Unit” will be highlighted in blue,

7 “Apply Now” Screen: and (if their council and unit have both turned the application status to “active”) when it is clicked, “Request More information” and “Apply Now”. Once the lead chooses “Apply Now” they will be directed to page 1 of the application process.

8 Application Welcome Screen:
First they will see the ‘Welcome’ page. This will give them a quick explanation of what they will be seeing and completing during the application process.

9 Personal Information Screen:
Throughout the next few screens, they will follow the steps for completing the online application to be a volunteer leader. They will be asked to provide personal,

10 Contact Information Screen: contact,

11 Employer & Scouting Information Screen:
employer and Scouting information,

12 Boys’ Life Screen: Offered a Boys’ Life subscription,

13 CBC Screen: Agree to a criminal background check,

14 CBC completion Screen:
Complete additional background check information,

15 Terms and Conditions Screen:
And agree to the terms and conditions.

16 Summary Screen: Once they have looked through the summary, (and all the information appears to be correct), they will click submit,

17 Confirmation Screen: and their application will be sent to the BeAScout administrator for that unit.

18 Youth Application Screen:
The youth application is similar, except it does not have the requirement of a criminal background check,

19 Youth Application Screen Two:
and both the youth and adult will need to provide personal and contact information. Once they have submitted all the information and approved or accepted by the unit they will be contacted by unit to make arrangements for payment.

20 For more support If you need additional assistance or support please contact the National Support Center

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