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Matters and Measurement

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1 Matters and Measurement
Edward Wen, PhD

2 Chemistry is about Everyday experience
Why Cookies tastes different from Cookie Dough? Why Baking Powder or Baking Soda? Why using Aluminum Foil, not Paper Towel? What if the Temperature is set too high? Photo credit:

3 Chapter Outline Classification of matters
Measurement, Metric system (SI) Scientific Notation Significant figures Conversion factor Density

4 In Your Room Everything you can see, touch, smell or taste in your room is made of matter. Chemists study the differences in matter and how that relates to the structure of matter.

5 What is Matter? Matter: anything that occupies space and has mass
Matter is actually composed of a lot of tiny little pieces: Atoms and Molecules

6 Atoms and Molecules Atoms: the tiny particles that make up all matter. Helium gas (for blimp) is made up of Helium atoms. Molecules: In most substances, the atoms are joined together in units. Liquid water is made up of water molecules (2 Hydrogen atoms + 1 Oxygen atoms)

7 Physical States of Matters
Matter can be classified as solid, liquid or gas based on what properties it exhibits (0-l:30)

8 Why different States of a Matter? Structure Determines Properties
the atoms or molecules have different structures in solids, liquid and gases

9 Solids Particles in a solid: packed close together and are fixed in position though they may vibrate Incompressible retaining their shape and volume Unable to flow

10 Liquids Particles are closely packed, but they have some ability to move around Incompressible Able to flow, yet not to escape and expand to fill the container (not “antigravity”)

11 Gases The particles have complete freedom from each other (not sticky to each other) The particles are constantly flying around, bumping into each other and the container There is a lot of empty space between the particles (low density)  Compressible  Able to flow and Fill space (“antigravity”)

12 Classifying Matter: Sugar, Copper, Coke, Gasoline/Water

13 Classification of Matter
Pure Substance Constant Composition Homogeneous Mixture Variable Composition Matter

14 Pure substance Matter that is composed of only one kind of piece.
Solid: Salt, Sugar, Dry ice, Copper, Diamond Liquid: Propane, distilled water (or Deionized water, DI water) Gas: Helium gas (GOODYEAR blimp)

15 Classifying Pure Substances: Elements and Compounds
Elements: Substances which can not be broken down into simpler substances by chemical reactions. (A,B) Compounds: Most substances are chemical combinations of elements. (C) Examples: Pure sugar, pure water can be broken down into elements Properties of the compound not related to the properties of the elements that compose it

16 Elements Example: Diamond (pure carbon), helium gas.
116 known, 91 are found in nature others are man-made Abundance = percentage found in nature Hydrogen: most abundant in the universe Oxygen: most abundant element (by mass) on earth and in the human body Silicon: abundant on earth surface every sample of an element is made up of lots of identical atoms


18 Compounds Composed of elements in fixed percentages
water is 89% O & 11% H billions of known compounds Organic (sugar, glycerol) or inorganic (table salt) same elements can form more than one different compound water and hydrogen peroxide contain just hydrogen and oxygen carbohydrates all contain just C, H & O (sugar, starch, glucose)

19 Mixture Matter that is composed of different kinds of pieces. Different samples may have the same pieces in different percentages. (D) Examples: Solid: Flour, Brass (Copper and Zinc), Rock Liquid: Salt water, soda, Gasoline Gas: air

20 Classification of Mixtures
Homogeneous = composition is uniform throughout appears to be one thing every piece of a sample has identical properties, though another sample with the same components may have different properties solutions (homogeneous mixtures): Air; Tap water Heterogeneous = matter that is non-uniform throughout contains regions with different properties than other regions: gasoline mixed with water; Italian salad dressing

21 What is a Measurement? Quantitative observation
comparison to an agreed upon standard Every measurement has a number and a unit: 77 Fahrenheit: Room temperature 7.5 pounds: Average newborn body weight in the US: 55 ± 0.5 grams: amount of sugar in one can of Coca Cola UNIT: what standard you are comparing your object to the number tells you what multiple of the standard the object measures the uncertainty in the measurement (±)

22 Some Standard Units in the Metric System
Quantity Measured Name of Unit Abbreviation Mass gram g Length meter m Volume liter L Time seconds s Temperature Kelvin K

23 Related Units in the SI System
All units in the SI system are related to the standard unit by a power of 10 (exactly!) 1 kg = 103 g 1 km = 103 m 1 m = 102 cm The power of 10 is indicated by a prefix The prefixes are always the same, regardless of the standard unit

24 Prefixes: What is the exponent form?
kilo = 1000 times base unit = _____ 1 kg = 1000 g = 103 g deci = 0.1 times the base unit = _____ 1 dL = 0.1 L = 10-1 L; 1 L = 10 dL centi = 0.01 times the base unit = _____ 1 cm = 0.01 m = 10-2 m; 1 m = 100 cm milli = times the base unit = _____ 1 mg = g = 10-3 g; 1 g = 1000 mg micro = ______ times the base unit 1 m = 10-6 m; 106 m = 1 m nano = _______ times the base unit 1 nL = 10-9L; 109 nL = 1 L

25 Common Prefixes in the SI System
Symbol Decimal Equivalent Power of 10 mega- M 1,000,000 Base  106 kilo- k 1,000 Base  103 deci- d 0.1 Base  10-1 centi- c 0.01 Base  10-2 milli- m 0.001 Base  10-3 micro- m or mc Base  10-6 nano- n Base  10-9

26 Standard Unit vs. Prefixes
Using meter (m) as example: 1 km = 1000 m = 103 m 1 m = 10 dm = 100 cm = 102 cm = 1000 mm = 103 mm = 1,000,000 m = 106 m = 1,000,000,000 nm = 109 nm

27 Length Two-dimensional distance an object covers
SI unit: METER (abbreviation as m) About 3½ inches longer than a yard 1 m = 10-7 the distance from the North Pole to the Equator Commonly use centimeters (cm) 1 m = 100 cm = yard 1 cm = 0.01 m = 10 mm 1 inch = 2.54 cm (exactly)

28 Mass Amount of matter present in an object SI unit: kilogram (kg)
about 2 lbs. 3 oz. Commonly measure mass in grams (g) or milligrams (mg) 1 kg = pounds (1 lbs. = ) 1 g = 1000 mg = 103 mg 1 g = kg = 10-3 kg

29 Volume Amount of three-dimensional space occupied
SI unit = cubic meter (m3) Commonly measure solid volume in cubic centimeters (cm3) 1 m3 = 106 cm3 1 cm3 = 10-6 m3 = m3 Commonly measure liquid or gas volume in milliliters (mL) 1 gallon (gal) = 3.78 L = 3.78  103 mL 1 L = 1 dm3 = 1000 mL = 103 mL 1 mL = 1 cm3 = 1 cc (cubic centimeter)

30 Common Everyday Units and Their EXACT Conversions
11 cm 1 inch (in) = 2.54 cm 1 mile 5280 feet (ft) 1 foot 12 in 1 yard 3 ft

31 Common Units and Their Equivalents
Mass 1 kilogram (km) = 2.205 pounds (lb) 1 pound (lb) grams (g) 1 ounce (oz) 28.35 (g) Volume 1 liter (L) = 1.057 quarts (qt) 1 U.S. gallon (gal) 3.785 liters (L)

32 Units Always write every number with its associated unit
Always include units in your calculations you can do the same kind of operations on units as you can with numbers cm × cm = cm2 cm + cm = cm cm ÷ cm = 1 using units as a guide to problem solving

33 Conversion Factor Relationships to Convert one unit of measurement to another: US dollar  Canadian dollar, dollar  cent Conversion Factors: Relationships between two units Both parts of the conversion factor have the same number of significant figures Conversion factors generated from equivalence statements e.g. 1 inch = 2.54 cm can give or 33

34 How to Use Conversion Factor
Arrange conversion factors so starting unit cancels Arrange conversion factor so starting unit is on the bottom of the conversion factor unit 2 unit 1 unit 1 x = unit 2 Conversion Factor 34

35 We have been using the Conversion Factor ALL THE TIME! 
How are we converting #cents into #dollars? Why? From 1 dollar = 100 cents dollar cents 1 dollar 100 cents 45,000 cents x = 450 dollars Conversion Factor 35

36 Convert 325 mL to L (liters)
Convert g to ng (nanogram) 0.325 L 5.01 x 107 g 36 36

37 Scientific Notation Very Large vs. Very Small numbers:
the sun’s diameter is 1,392,000,000 m Very Large vs. Very Small numbers: The sun’s diameter is 1,392,000,000 m Scientific Notation: x 109 m An atom’s diameter is m Scientific Notation: 3 x m

38 Scientific Notation (SN)
Power of 10 (Math language): 10 x 10 = 100  100 = 102 (2nd power of 10) 10 x 10 x 10 = 1,000  1,000 = 103 (3rd power of 10) each Decimal Place in our number system represents a different power of 10 24 = 2.4 x 101 = 2.4 x 10 1,000,000,000 (1 billion) = 109 (1/10 billionth ) = 10-10 Easily comparable by looking at the power of 10

39 Exponents 10Y when the exponent on 10 (Y) is positive, the number is that many powers of 10 larger sun’s diameter = x 109 m = 1,392,000,000 m when Y is negative, the number is that many powers of 10 smaller avg. atom’s diameter = 3 x m = m 1.23 x 10-8 decimal part exponent part exponent 1.23 x 105 > 4.56 x 102 4.56 x 10-2 > 7.89 x 10-5 7.89 x 1010 > 1.23 x 1010

40 Writing Numbers in SN 1.234 x 107 2.34 x 10-5 Big numbers: 12,340,000
Small numbers: 1.234 x 107 2.34 x 10-5

41 Writing a Number in Standard Form
1.234 x 10-6 since exponent is -6, move the decimal point to the left 6 places if you run out of digits, add zeros If the exponent > 1, add trailing zeros: 1.234 x 1010 12,340,000,000

42 Scientific calculators

43 Inputting Scientific Notation into a Calculator
-1.23 x 10-3 input decimal part of the number if negative press +/- key (–) on some press EXP key EE on some (maybe 2nd function) input exponent on 10 press +/- key to change exponent to negative Press +/- Input 1.23 1.23 EXP Input 3 -1.23

44 Significant Figures (Sig. Fig.)
Definition: The non-place-holding digits in a reported measurement some zero’s are place holders ( ), NOT counted as significant figures. What is Sig. Fig. for? the range of values to expect for repeated measurements the more significant figures there are in a measurement, the smaller the range of values is, more precise. 12.3 cm: 3 sig. figs. range 12.30.1 cm 12.30 cm: 4 sig. figs. range 0.01 cm

45 Significant Figure is SIGNIFICANT FIGURE
For the same measurement: More sig figs = more precision Higher precision measurement is like higher resolution of image: High resolution, sharper image

46 Significant Figures (SF) vs. Decimal Places (DP)
All non-zero digits are significant 1.5 : 2 SF, 1 DP Interior zeros are significant 1.05 : 3 SF, 2 DP Zero: Only Trailing zeros are significant 1.050 : 4 SF, 3 DP : 4 SF, 6 DP (Place-holding zero) = SN : x 10-3

47 Counting Significant Figures (Contd)
4. Exact numbers has infinite () number of significant figures: example: 1 pound = 16 ounces 1 kilogram = 1,000 grams = 1,000,000 milligrams 1 water molecule contains 2 hydrogen atoms 5. Zeros at the end of a number without a written decimal point are ambiguous and should be avoided by using scientific notation, or add decimal point to specify SF. 150: ambiguous number : 3 SF 1.50 x 102 : 3 SF

48 Example–Counting Sig. Fig. in a Number
How many significant figures are in each of the following numbers? 0.0035 1.080 2.97 × 105 1 m = 1000 mm

49 Practice: How many SF and DP in measurement?

50 Sig. Fig. in Multiplication/Division: SF
When multiplying or dividing measurements with Sig. Fig., the result has the same number of SF as the measurement with the fewest number of sig. fig. Round off: × 89,665 × = = Add trailing zero: ÷ 250. = 0.02 = Use scientific notation for large numbers 5.89 × 6,103 = =

51 Practice: Complete the following calculation with proper Sig. Fig.
1.01 × 0.12 × ÷ 96 = = 56.55 × ÷ = 1.5 = 12.0 × 6,250. = 75,000 =

52 Sig. Fig. in Addition/Subtraction: DP
when adding or subtracting measurements with significant figures, the result has the same number of decimal places as the measurement with the fewest number of decimal places = = = 0.9 =

53 Practice: Complete the following calculation with proper Significant Figures
– 1.22 = = 0.764 – – = -8 =

54 Sig. Fig. in Combined Calculations (PEMDAS)
Keep one more SF than needed and round in the End Do  and/or , then + and/or - – × 2.3 = – = = Parentheses (): Do calculation in “( )” first, then the rest × ( – ) = × = =

55 Practice: Calculation with Proper Significant Figures
a x = =

56 How to solve Unit Conversion Problems
Write down Given Amount and Unit Write down what you want to Find and Unit Write down needed Conversion Factors or Equations Design a Solution Map for the Problem order Conversions to cancel previous units or arrange Equation so Find amount is isolated. Example: from Equation A = b  c to solve for b

57 Solution Map for Unit Conversion
Apply the Steps in the Solution Map check that units cancel properly multiply terms across the top and divide by each bottom term Example: 5) Check the Answer to see if its Reasonable correct size and unit 57

58 The lovely practice: Convert 7.8 km to miles
Given: 7.8 km Find: ? mi Conv. Fact. 1 mi = 5280 ft 1 foot = 12 in 1 in = 2.54 cm (exact) Soln. Map: km  mi = 4.8 mi 58 58

59 Real world Dimension Analysis: Jason decided to swim to Catalina Island. As part of the training he decided to swim for 90 minutes a morning, 6 mornings each week. He swam at an average speed of 2.0 miles per hour. At the end of eight weeks, how many miles has Jason swim? Given: 90 min = 1 day 6 days = week 2 mi = 1 hour Find: ? mi over 8 weeks (mi/8 wk) Conv. Fact: 60 min = 1 hr 59 59

60 Temperature Temperature: measure of the average kinetic energy of the molecules in a sample a higher temperature means a larger average kinetic energy

61 Fahrenheit Temperature Scale
Two reference points: Freezing point of concentrated saltwater (0°F) Average body temperature (100°F) more accurate measure now set average body temperature at 98.6°F Room temperature is about 75°F

62 Celsius Temperature Scale
Two reference points: Freezing point of distilled water (0°C) Boiling point of distilled water (100°C) more reproducible standards most commonly used in science Room temperature is about 25°C

63 Fahrenheit vs. Celsius a Celsius degree is 1.8 times larger than a Fahrenheit degree the standard used for 0° on the Fahrenheit scale is a lower temperature than the standard used for 0° on the Celsius scale From Celsius to Fahrenheit: From Fahrenheit to Celsius:

64 The Kelvin Temperature Scale
Kelvin scale is an absolute scale, meaning it measures the actual temperature of an object 0 K = Absolute Zero: all molecular motion would stop, theoretically the lowest temperature in the universe 0 K = -273°C = -459°F Absolute Zero is a theoretical value Conection between K and C:

65 Extremes of Temperature
On the Earth, Lowest temperature recorded: -89.2°C ( °F, 184 K) Highest air temperature recorded: ~60°C (140 F) In science lab, the highest temperature: 4 x 1012 K (?) the lowest temperature: ~10-10 K (?)

66 Conversion in Temperature Scales: Convert 104°F into Celsius and Kelvin
Information Given: 104 F Find: ? °C, ? K Eq’ns: 40 °C 313 K

67 Mass & Volume Mass & Volume: two main characteristics of matter
even though mass and volume are individual properties - for a given type of matter they are related to each other!  Density (ratio of mass vs. volume): for a certain matter, its density is one of the characteristic to distinguish from one another

68 Unit for density Solids = g/cm3 1 cm3 = 1 mL Liquids = g/mL: Density of water = 1.00 g/mL Gases = g/L: Density of Air ~ 1.3 g/L Volume of a solid can be determined by water displacement Density : solids > liquids >>> gases except ice and dry wood are less dense than liquid water!

69 Density of Common Matters

70 Density Temperature affects the density: Heating objects causes objects to expand, density The Lava Lamp: heating/cooling In a heterogeneous mixture, the denser object sinks Why do hot air balloons rise? The “Gold Rush”: Extracting gold particle from sand Density of gasoline changes over the day!

71 Density and Volume Styrofoam vs. Quarter:
Both of these items have a mass of 23 grams, but they have very different volumes; therefore, their densities are different as well.

72 Density and Buoyancy Average density of human body = 1.0 g/cm3
Average density of sea water = 1.03 g/mL Density of mercury, liquid metal, = 13.6 g/mL Density of copper penny = 8.9 g/cm3

73 Density of Body and Body Fat
Density of fat tissue < Density of Muscle/Bones Estimate the mass percentage of body fat: Average body fat%: Female 28%, Male 22%

74 Using Density in Calculations
Solution Maps: Both sides multiplied by Volume Both sides divided by Density m, V D V, D m m, D V

75 Application of Density
A man gives a woman an engagement ring and tells her that it is made of platinum (Pt). Critical thinking : test to determine the ring’s density before giving him an answer about marriage. Data: She places the ring on a balance and finds it has a mass of 5.84 grams. She then finds that the ring displaces cm3 of water. Density Pt = 21.4 g/cm3

76 Test results Given: Mass = 5.84 grams Volume = 0.556 cm3
Density Pt = 21.4 g/cm3 Find: Density in grams/cm3

77 Density as a Conversion Factor
Density is the ratio between mass and volume: H2O = 1 g/mL \ 1 g H2O  1 mL H2O Density lead = 11.3 g/cm3 11.3 g lead  1 cm3 lead How much does 4.0 cm3 of Lead weigh? = 4.0 cm3 Pb 11.3 g Pb 1 cm3 Pb 45 g Pb x

78 Density as a Conversion Factor
The gasoline in an automobile gas tank has a mass of 60.0 kg and a density of g/cm3. What is the volume? Given: kg Find: Volume in L Conversion Factors: 0.752 grams/cm3 1000 grams = 1 kg

79 Example: A 55. 9 kg person displaces 57
Example: A 55.9 kg person displaces 57.2 L of water when submerged in a water tank. What is the density of the person in g/cm3? Information: Given: m = 5.59 x 104 g Find: density, g/cm3 Solution Map: m,VD Equation: Volume = 5.72 x 104 cm3 = g/cm3

80 From Atom to Ion Atom has equal number of positive charge (from protons) and negative charge (from electrons). Example: A calcium atom (symbol “Ca”) has 11 protons and 11 electrons A chlorine atom (Cl) has 17 protons and 17 electrons Metal loses electrons and becomes an ion with positive charge. A Ca atom loses TWO electrons, giving an ion with two positive charge: Ca2+ Nonmetal gains electrons and becomes an ion with negative charge. A Cl atom gains ONE electron, giving an ion with one negative charge: Cl-

81 Common Metal Cation Remember the formula (symbol of element, the sign and number of charge) from the following metals Metal loses electrons and becomes an ion with positive charge Group IA, IIA Ag+, Zn2+, Al3+ Charge by position on the Periodic Table IA = +1, IIA = +2, Ag+ : silver ion Ca2+: calcium ion

82 Monatomic Nonmetal Anion (An-)
How much is the charge? the position on the Periodic Table Name of the anion: change ending on the element name to –ide 5A = -3 6A = -2 7A = -1 N3- = nitride O2- = oxide F- = fluoride P3- = phosphide S2- = sulfide Cl- = chloride

83 Practice: How to set up Conversion?
To convert 5.00 inches to cm, from 1 in = 2.54 cm (exact), which one of the two conversion factors should be used? or

84 Practice: Conversion among Units
500 mg = ? g 120 m = ? nm 0.08 in = ? m

85 Example–Counting Sig. Fig. in a Number
How many significant figures are in each of the following numbers? 0.0035 1.080 2.97 × 105 1 m = 1000 mm 2 Sig. Fig. – leading zeros not sig. 4 Sig. Figs – trailing & interior zeros sig. 3 Sig. Figs – only decimal parts count sig. both 1 and 1000 are exact numbers. unlimited sig. figs.

86 Practice: SF vs. DP in Measurement
2.2 cm 2.50 cm 2 sig. Figs; 1 decimal place 3 sig. Figs; 2 decimal places

87 Sig. Fig. in Multiplication/Division; Rounding vs. Adding Traiing Zero
When multiplying or dividing measurements with Sig. Fig., the result has the same number of significant figures as the measurement with the fewest number of significant figures Rounding × 89, × = ÷ 6.10 = 3 SF 5 SF 2 SF 4 SF 3 SF 3 SF 45 0.966

88 Practice: Determine the Correct Number of Sig. Fig.
1.01 × 0.12 × ÷ 96 = 56.55 × ÷ = 1.5 = 0.068 3 SF 2 SF 4 SF 2 SF result should have 2 Sig. Fig. = 1.50 4 SF. 3 SF. 6 SF. result should have 3 Sig. Fig.

89 Sig. Fig. in Addition/Subtraction: DP
when adding or subtracting measurements with significant figures, the result has the same number of decimal places as the measurement with the fewest number of decimal places = 9.214 = 0.9 = 9.21 2 dp 3 dp 3 dp 2 dp = 0.900 3 dp 3 dp 3 dp

90 Sig. Fig. in Combined Calculations (PEMDAS)
Do  and/or , then + and/or - – × 2.3 = – = = -10 3 dp dp dp (2 sig. fig.) Parentheses (): Do calculation in () first, then the rest × ( – ) 2 dp dp = × = = 12 4 Sig. Fig Sig. Fig. 2 Sig. Fig.

91 Practice: Determine the Correct Number of Significant Figures
– 1.22 = 0.764 – – = -8 = 124.9 3 dp 1 dp 2 dp result should have 1 dp = 3 dp 3 dp 3 dp result should have 3 dp

92 Practice: Calculation with Proper Significant Figures
a x =

93 Practice: Calculation involving Density
The density of air at room temperature and sea level is 1.29 g/L. Calculate the mass of air in a 5.0-gal bottle (1 gal = 3.78 L). A driver filled kg of gasoline into his car. If the density of gasoline is g/mL, what is the volume of gasoline in liters? KEY: 24 g (2SF) KEY: 19.8 L (3SF)

94 About Challenging Problems
1.99+: Proper dosage of a drug is 3.5 mg/kg of body weight. Calculate the milligrams of this drug for a 138-lb individual? (1 lb = 454 g). 1.103: 100. mg ibuprofen/5 mL Motrin. Calculate the grams of ibuprofen in 1.5 teaspoons of Motrin. (1 teaspoon = 5.0 mL) KEY: 2.2×102 mg (2SF) KEY: 0.15 g (2SF)

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