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The Romans Roman Britain.

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1 The Romans Roman Britain

2 Gold aureus of emperor Claudius Roman, AD 46-47 Minted at Rome, Italy
This coin celebrates Claudius' triumph over Britain. The back shows a triumphal arch, of the sort erected by Romans in honour of a victorious general, rather like London's Marble Arch or the Arc de Triomphe in Paris. On the top we see Claudius on horseback with two trophies of weapons either side of him. The letters on the arch read DE BRITANNIS, which is the Latin for '[A triumph] over the Britons'. A fragment of the arch can still be seen at the Capitoline Museum in Rome.

3 Section of façade from a Roman building at Meonstoke Hampshire, England Roman Britain, early 4th century AD This is a section of the façade of an aisled barn-like building on a villa estate in the parish of Meonstoke, Hampshire. The façade was constructed in the early fourth century AD andt collapsed some time after AD 353, as that is the latest date of the coins found underneath.

4 Tombstone of a soldier's daughter Roman Britain, 2nd to 4th centuries AD Found a mile south-east of the site of the Roman fort at Kirkby Thore, Cumbria

5 Tombstone of Volusia Faustina Roman Britain, 3rd century AD From Lincoln

6 Pottery jars, dishes and bowls Roman Britain, 2nd century AD From Stonea Grange, near March, Cambridgeshire

7 Bronze figurine of a Moorish cavalryman Roman, probably 2nd or 3rd century AD London, England

8 Group of bronze statuettes of Roman gods and goddesses
Group of bronze statuettes of Roman gods and goddesses. 3rd century AD found in Southbroom, Devizes, Wiltshire

9 Ribchester Hoard

10 Vindolanda writing-tablet with a letter inviting Sulpicia Lepidina, the commander's wife, to a birthday party. Roman Britain, about AD found at Vindolanda Roman fort (modern Chesterholm), Northumberland

11 The Hinton St Mary Mosaic Roman Britain, 4th century AD from Dorset, England

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