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Evolution of Primates Section 32.3.

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Presentation on theme: "Evolution of Primates Section 32.3."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolution of Primates Section 32.3

2 Primate Characteristics
Grasping hands and feet Cling to their mothers Climb trees Hold food Forward facing eyes Binocular vision aids in depth perception Useful for tree-dwelling and capturing prey

3 Grasping hands

4 Forward facing eyes

5 Nonhuman Primates Monkeys Apes Diurnal
Feed mainly on fruits and leaves Have opposable thumbs Apes Gibbons, orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees Large brains No tails

6 Gibbons & Gorilla

7 Hominids Primates that walked upright Early ancestors of humans
Australopithecines: Larger brain cavity than apes Lucy – the most famous fossil Other fossil hominids have been discovered

8 Fossil hominid skulls

9 Fossil Lucy

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