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Cypress College Emergency Preparedness Spring 2018 Drill

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1 Cypress College Emergency Preparedness Spring 2018 Drill
Active Shooter Situations

2 PREVENTION See something? Say something!
Contact Campus Safety at (714) OR the Chargers Assessment Team at The Charger Assessment Team (ChAT) is Cypress College’s behavior intervention team.  It is a multi-departmental team which is here to assist with threatening, stressful, and/or difficult behavior. ChAT conducts investigations, performs threat assessments, and determines the best mechanisms for support, intervention, and response. ChAT exists to promote a safe college environment and encourages all campus members to report behaviors that are concerning.

3 RUN If there is an escape path, attempt to evacuate.
Evacuate whether others agree to or not. Leave your belongings behind. Help others escape if possible Prevent others from entering the area. Call 911 when you are safe.

4 HIDE If evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide.
Lock and/or blockade the door. Silence your cell phone. Hide behind large objects. Remain very quiet. Turn off the lights. Your hiding place should: Be out of the shooter’s view Provide protection if shots are fired in your direction. Not trap or restrict your options for movement.

5 FIGHT As a last resort, and only if your life is in danger:
Attempt to incapacitate the shooter. Act with physical aggression. Improvise weapons. Commit to your actions.

6 911 When law enforcement arrives: Remain calm and follow instructions
Keep your hands visible at all times. Avoid pointing or yelling. Know that help for the injured is on its way.

7 Q. You hear three pops that sound somewhat like firecrackers
Q. You hear three pops that sound somewhat like firecrackers. Others seem to hear it too, but everyone is confused and seems unsure. What do you do?

8 The protocol for active shooter situations is to “run, hide, or fight” or a combination of these three actions. The active situation lasts minutes and the first line of defense will be individual faculty members, staff members, and students. You will need to make quick decisions for your safety until help arrives.

9 Q. If you had to get out of the building now, what route would you take? How would you make this determination?

10 During an active shooter situation, an opportunity may arise for you to evacuate. Have an escape route and plan in mind. Leave your belongings. Run away from where the active shooter may be. Run as fast as you can. Keep your hands visible and follow directions from police officers. Call 911 when you are safe.

11 Q. What are good places to hide?

12 Take a look at the configuration of your current classroom, work area, office space, etc. Move away from windows and hide out of view. Lock the door. Turn off the lights. Silence phones and other devices. Take cover behind large items on hands and knees. Do not lay on the ground as bullets can ricochet.

13 Q. What can you use to defend yourself?

14 Many everyday items can be helpful. Books, staplers, fire extinguishers. Look at possible ways to distract or disarm the perpetrator as a group.

15 Q. If you see or hear something that is out of the ordinary, that appears suspicious, or involves inappropriate behavior, who can you talk to?

16 Be aware of your surroundings and report suspicious activity
Be aware of your surroundings and report suspicious activity. The ChAT team is available at and Campus Safety is available at ( Program the Campus Safety number into your phone for quick access. All 911 calls made on campus, including those on cell phones, will be answered by the Cypress Police Department.

17 Q. What is the best way to respond to law enforcement when they arrive?

18 Remain calm and follow directions
Remain calm and follow directions. Raise hands and spread fingers – keep hands visible at all times. Allow them to assess the situation. When evacuating, proceed in the direction from which officers are entering the premises. Be prepared to listen for instructions from people such a floor marshals and Campus Safety.

19 Your safety is our primary concern
Your safety is our primary concern. Thank you for your participation in our preparedness efforts.

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