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Theo Gutman-Solo.

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1 Theo Gutman-Solo


3 Economic Assumptions Assumptions made in model Zero sum game
Production and wealth are measured by distribution Bias towards basic supply & demand Efficient Market Inaccurate assumption but required to avoid complexity issues Minimal Transportation and costs

4 Methodology Generate random world Evolve world Each Time-step
Businesses Choose countries of production and consumption Take money from consumer’s country and give money to producer’s country (current account) Difference (profit) is reinvested (capital account) Countries Reevaluate status (GDP, CPI)

5 How to achieve this? Agent based model
Computer model that simulates actions of autonomous individuals to see how their interactions affect the system as a whole

6 Methodology - Modeling
Agents Business Production Incorporation Marketing Landscape Countries CPI GDP Languages Java C++ Netlogo

7 How businesses choose countries production, incorporation, and markets
Heuristic How businesses choose countries production, incorporation, and markets

8 Production & markets Incorporation
Production & markets Each timestep model weights countries by potential profit and assigns businesses Incorporation Random, assigned with creation of world Evaluates countries based on investment profits Depending on how risk aversion of business assigns profit

9 Sample Wealth Flow Business Country of Sale Country of Production
Country of incorporation Country for investment

10 Possible Future Developments
Economic Include liquidity bias scalar Dynamic Business Exploration of countries economic policies Implement new trade theory Programming Agent setup is quite wasteful, changing information storing procedure could allow for more accurate simulation

11 Maps which deform country size to represent a particular value
Cartograms Maps which deform country size to represent a particular value

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