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The Protestant Reformation

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1 The Protestant Reformation

2 Unit question Unit question: To what extent should the Renaissance, Reformation, and Enlightenment be defined as a revolution? Revolution DEFINITION What are moments in history (yours or the world) that has changed the way we live, think, and behave?

3 Protestant reformation as a revolution
Created numerous off-shoots for religions still around today Work with Humanists concepts how do we exist with God? How do we create our own opportunities rather than God. Various beliefs about the power of the Church will change Peasants will feel more empowered than before

4 Before Reformation Roman Catholicism in the Middle ages
Caretakers of souls Sending those to heaven Priests Baptism, marriages, last rights, confession Societal impact Distribute alms to the poor Orphanages Only ones to read the bible Owned 1/3rd the land in Europe

5 Martin Luther 1483 -1546 CE Law student of German Struck by lightening
He prayed for his life, and would become a monk 1505; Mission to Rome Was fascinated with the human fault and corruption that were common Public Prostitution Priests who were rushed and lack-lustered in mass Became obsessed with his own sinfulness – by continuously studying these sins Confessed heavily for these sins

6 Martin Luther University of Wittenberg
Luther found solace and guidance in St Paul the Apostle “The just shall live by faith” Concept that salvation is not dictated by actions, its by faith Praying (fasting, alms, pilgrimages, etc) more ≠ more salvation Paying for salvation ≠ true salvation Known as “Sola Fide” or “Only faith” How is different from the Church of the Middle Ages? How is this related to religion today? Similar? Different?

7 Sola Fide and Indulgences
Johann Tetzel Catholic Friar Went to Wittenberg to sell indulgences Indulgences Payments to the church in return for a promise from the pope Promises to spend less time in purgatory Purgatory: place of suffering for sinners who are cleansing before going to heaven Cost around 50-60% of one year’s wage for a commoner

8 Indulgences angered Luther October 31, 1517
95 Theses Indulgences angered Luther October 31, 1517 Posted 95 Theses (statements against indulgences) to the churches door Luther’s concepts became more “radical” Church rituals means little if a person does not have faith Undermined the power of the church Priests don’t have abilities to provide salvation Christians are saved through faith rather than participating in church

9 Diet: imperial assembly (not the slimy critter) 1521
Diet of worms Diet: imperial assembly (not the slimy critter) 1521 Statemen and King Charles V Questioning of Luther and his alignment to the Church Question of heresy One month later, resulted in the Edict of Worms Essentially Luther is found as a heretic

10 Printing press and the reformation
2,000 + of Luther’s ideas were printed and distributed Additional images/cartoons, pamphlets were created Becoming more available to more people Translating the bible into German Eliminated the “need” for priest who HAD to read the Latin bible Written in the language of the commoner 100,000+ printed in the common language Why is mass literature that people can read so important to a revolution?

11 Luther argued in favor of the elites
Peasant uprising 1525 – Peasant uprising Out of “Radical” Lutheran ideas Peasants took up arms against nobility and churches alike Anger about power over another man Serfdom is not about faith Luther argued in favor of the elites Faith is not about social equality

12 Break apart of numerous religions
Luther’s legacy Break apart of numerous religions Sects of Christianity start to emerge Protestants Lutherans Calvinists Anglican Presbyterian Anabaptists How do all of these sects embody revolution? In your opinion, was the Protestant Reformation a revolution?

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