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What do we mean by the writer’s methods? GCSE English Language Paper 1

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1 What do we mean by the writer’s methods? GCSE English Language Paper 1
simile – ‘as brave as a lion’. metaphor – ‘Mrs Murray is an angel’. hyperbole – being over the top/exaggerating. personification – giving something that is non-human, human qualities ex. ‘the fire ran wild’. pathetic fallacy – using the weather to set the mood. onomatopoeia – words that sound like the thing they describe (BANG, ZOOM) oxymoron – two contradictory terms together (big baby) emotive language – language used to create emotion in the reader. personal pronouns – I/me/my. collective pronouns – we/us/ours. imperative verbs – commanding verbs (Quiet! Sit!) rule of three – three things together (beaten, battered, bruised) rhetorical question – a question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point. semantic field – words that are connected and used throughout the writing. repetition – words/phrases used over and over again. alliteration – two or more words that have the same letter/sound. simile – ‘as brave as a lion’. metaphor – ‘Mrs Murray is an angel’. hyperbole – being over the top/exaggerating. personification – giving something that is non-human, human qualities ex. ‘the fire ran wild’. pathetic fallacy – using the weather to set the mood. onomatopoeia – words that sound like the thing they describe (BANG, ZOOM) oxymoron – two contradictory terms together (big baby) emotive language – language used to create emotion in the reader. personal pronouns – I/me/my. collective pronouns – we/us/ours. imperative verbs – commanding verbs (Quiet! Sit!) rule of three – three things together (beaten, battered, bruised) rhetorical question – a question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point. semantic field – words that are connected and used throughout the writing. repetition – words/phrases used over and over again. alliteration – two or more words that have the same letter/sound. You will be given a text that you haven’t seen before. Q1) List four things… [4 marks] Q2) How does the writer use language? [8 marks] Q3) How has the writer structured the text to interest you as a reader? [8 marks] Q4) You will be given a statement and asked to what extent do you agree? [20 marks] Q5) Using an image they give you as inspiration…you will write either a story opening or a description. [40 marks] You will be given a text that you haven’t seen before. Q1) List four things… [4 marks] Q2) How does the writer use language? [8 marks] Q3) How has the writer structured the text to interest you as a reader? [8 marks] Q4) You will be given a statement and asked to what extent do you agree? [20 marks] Q5) Using an image they give you as inspiration…you will write either a story opening or a description. [40 marks]

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