Purposes/Functions of Art

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Presentation on theme: "Purposes/Functions of Art"— Presentation transcript:

1 Purposes/Functions of Art
Art is Communication: Artists Create art, in order to communicate visually and conceptually.


3 Personal Function Artist create art to express personal feelings
Woman V Willem de Kooning

4 Personal Function Joan Miro’

5 Marc Chagall


7 Social Function Artists create to reinforce a shared sense of identity of community, or civilization
Aminah Robinson Born 1940 (Columbus, Ohio ) painter and children's book illustrator. Elizabeth Catlett

8 Social Function Cindy Sherman

9 Cindy Sherman


11 Spiritual Function Artists create to express spiritual beliefs
Michelangelo Pieta’ Pee-ey-tuh

12 Spiritual/Personal Michelangelo’s David Donatello’s David
Renaissance Renaissance


14 Physical Function Artists create functional artwork
Native American Pottery James Sterling 1959 Architecture- England

15 What else could be Physical Function?


17 Educational Function Artist create artwork to impart information
The Vision of the Holy Grail, Morris and Company, (tapestry)

18 Native American - Folk Art

19 What is the Function? Hint: Artwork sometimes has more than one function.

20 Hint: folktale


22 Canopic Jars

23 Jeff Koons Paul Klee



26 Cy Twombly


28 Romare Bearden Collage Artist

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