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Level 2 BTEC Applied Science

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1 Level 2 BTEC Applied Science
Unit 7: Health Applications of Life Science

2 Swab / Hand Agar Plates:
Observe your plates. Draw a diagram of what you can see. 3. What did you find? Write a sentence or two about each experiment. Can you explain your results using science?

3 Lesson Objectives Observe agar plates from last lesson and write a conclusion. Describe how vaccines work Understand the issues surrounding the use of vaccines.

4 Activity 1 Write a sentence that describes what a vaccine is.

5 Vaccines

6 Vaccinations What diseases are we routinely vaccination against?
Can you make a list?...

7 NHS Vaccination Schedule
Read the NHS Vaccination Schedule, which gives details of all the vaccines administered throughout your life. Transfer the information onto a timeline.

8 Timeline:

9 Advantages Why do we have all these vaccines? What is the benefit to
The individuals? Society as a whole.

10 Disadvantages What are the possible downsides to having vaccinations?
Discuss… Possible side effects May not be 100% effective in all cases Mistrust in vaccines after links to other disorders.

11 MMR Measles Mumps Rubella

12 MMR and Autism

13 Anti-Vaccine

14 What do you think? Your task is to write an essay about vaccines.
The title of the essay should be: To Vaccinate or not? Include the following: An introduction to what vaccines are (how they work, common vaccines etc…) The advantages to vaccinations The reasons people might not trust vaccines. A conclusion. (Sum up the issue and state your opinion, and why)


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