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NACE Committee Workspace (NCW)Training Workspace Features Navigation

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1 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW)Training Workspace Features Navigation

2 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW)Training
NACE Committee Workspace is the system we use to collaborate and write standards. Communication: NCW has a built-in system that allows communication with TG members, so you don’t have to look up their . It also has a discussion feature that allows mass communication, similar to a message group. Document storage: Drafts, minutes, agendas, and other supporting information can be uploaded to a committee’s workspace for easy access.

3 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW)Training
NACE Committee Workspace (NCW) Cont’d Balloting: All ballots are conducted through NCW using an easy-to-use system. Project milestones: The NCW Projects feature allows you to track the standard and see where it is in the process.

4 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW)Training
NACE Committee Workspace (NCW) Cont’d Action items: Using the action items feature, chairs and vice chairs can assign tasks to members of the TG. Calendar: You can set deadlines and other important dates using the calendar feature.

5 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW): Accessing
There are two ways to access NCW: From the website From your profile If you are not already logged in, you will be asked to do so. Use your NACE website credentials.

6 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW): Accessing

7 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW): Navigation
When you log into NCW, you will see the following screen: Click on Groups:

8 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW): Navigation
From here, you can go to different parts of NCW: Click on My Groups, which will take you to a page listing all of the TGs you are a member of.

9 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW): Navigation
Your My Groups page will look like this: Below this you will see your quick views; this is where you will find quick links to various items in your listed. Click on a title to view the item:

10 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW): Navigation
Further past this, you will find the quick links to your technical committees, group discussions, and important events:

11 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW): Navigation
Clicking on Documents will bring up a list of all the documents that have been uploaded to your committees: Click on the title or the blue arrow for further options:

12 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW): Navigation
Clicking on Documents will bring up a list of all the documents that have been uploaded to your committees: Click on the title or the blue arrow for further options:

13 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW): Navigation
Clicking on Feeds will bring up a list of all the RSS feeds for all of your committees: RSS feeds list all updates in the committee you select. Click on the individual feeds to see the updates.

14 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW): Navigation
Clicking on Calendars will bring up a list of all the calendar feeds for all of your committees: If your committee is using Calendars, you can access all of them from here. Download CSV allows you to download a listing of the events on a calendar in Excel format: Subscribe to iCalendar allows you to download the contents of the committee calendar to your preferred calendar application.

15 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW): Navigation
There are a couple of useful commands above your calendar listing: RSS opens an RSS feed of all of your committee calendars, similar to the RSS feed discussed in earlier slides. Add Weekly Reminder will set up a reminder for calendar events that is sent to your . Show Calendar is similar to the RSS feed, except it brings up all of your committee events on a calendar:

16 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW): Navigation
Clicking on Comments will bring up a list of all the comments that have been uploaded documents and ballots in your committees: From here, you can click on a comment for further options:

17 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW): Navigation
Clicking on Ballots will bring up a list of all the ballots that you are eligible to vote on, as well as the ones you were eligible for in the past: It also lists ballot results for a quick overview:

18 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW): Navigation
Clicking on Action items will bring up a list of all action items that have been assigned to you, or you have assigned to others if you’re a chair:

19 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW): Navigation
Clicking on Discussions will bring up a list of all Discussions taking place in your committees:

20 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW): Navigation
You can also click on Home, and it will take you to your Home page, from where you can access any part of NCW using quick links:

21 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW): Navigation
These quick links will take you to the areas described in previous slides: You can also see a list of all of the latest additions to your committees:

22 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW): Navigation
Also on the right side of the home page is the announcement box. The content is controlled by staff, and we’ll post any important information or updates here. There’s also a link to additional user documentation:

23 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW): Navigation
Another important set of links can be found in the announcement box. These links take you to the screen where you can control your subscriptions to your workspaces and how NCW sends you messages:

24 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW): Navigation
Clicking on My Group Settings takes you to your workspace subscriptions screen: Scroll down to the bottom and click on Manage Subscriptions:

25 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW): Navigation
Clicking on My Group Settings takes you to your workspace subscriptions screen. Each of your workspaces will be listed on a row; on the far right of the row, you see the different types of subscriptions: Subscribe (Regular) sends you an every time a message, document, action item, etc. is added to your workspace. Subscribe to Digest sends you an digest at the end of the day with all of the above items. Subscribe to Digest (plain text) sends you a plain text digest, which leaves out pictures and other graphics-intensive items.

26 NACE Committee Workspace (NCW): Navigation
If you want to apply a global change to your subscriptions, there’s a global control at the top of the list of your member workspaces. This will apply the same subscription to all of your workspaces:

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