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Regulation and Reforms

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Presentation on theme: "Regulation and Reforms"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regulation and Reforms
The Gilded Age Regulation and Reforms

2 Objects: People: Time/Title: “The Trustworthy Beast” (1888) Inferences: Because I see ___________________, I can infer Andrew Carnegie… Conclusion: The most important thing in this cartoon is _________________ because it sends the message that…

3 Labor Unions *An organization of workers formed to promote collective bargaining with employers over wages, hours, benefits, job security, and working conditions *The Knights of Labor


5 Collective Bargaining

6 Labor Strikes *Homestead Steel Strike *Pullman Strike
*Higher intervention needed? Hey, where is our government!?


8 Civil Service Reform *No more spoils system! (Merit not who you know!

9 Sherman-Anti Trust Act (1890)
*U.S. federal law that forbade any organizations that interfered with free trade by prohibiting monopolies or any activity that hindered business competition *What about the free-enterprise system?


11 Interstate Commerce Act (1887)
* U.S. federal law that was designed to regulate the railroad industry which required railroad rates to be “reasonable and just” *Not very successful (lacked resources + appointed pro-railroad commissioners)   


13 Pendleton Act (1883) *U.S. federal law requiring federal jobs to be awarded on the basis of merit rather than the spoils system *Competitive exams for gov. jobs rather than ties to politicians or political affiliation *Illegal to fire or demote gov. official for political reasons



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