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Oklahoma City Community College

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1 Oklahoma City Community College
Evolution, Part II BIO 2215 Oklahoma City Community College Dennis Anderson

2 Major Elements Of Life Carbon Hydrogen Oxygen Nitrogen C H O N

3 Chemical Evolution H O C H O H N H C Carbohydrates Fatty Acids
Simple Molecules More Complex Molecules Carbohydrates Fatty Acids Amino Acids H O C H O H N H C

4 Carbohydrates

5 Fatty Acids

6 Amino Acids

7 Figure 02.12

8 Proteinoid Microspheres
Similar to protocells Protocells Reproduce Natural selection favored those with the most efficient replicating systems RNA DNA

9 Cyanobacteria Photosynthesis Carbon Dioxide + Water = Glucose + Oxygen
Produce oxygen Produce carbohydrates Carbon Dioxide + Water = Glucose + Oxygen


11 Microevolution Change in allele frequency of a population
Populations evolve, individuals do not

12 Terms Allele Dominant allele Recessive allele Homozygous Heterozygous
Member of a paired gene Dominant allele Allele that is expressed when combined with a recessive allele Recessive allele Allele that is NOT expressed when combined with a dominant allele Homozygous Both alleles the same, AA or aa Heterozygous Alleles are different, Aa

13 Terms Codominance Gene Pool Both alleles are dominant, AB blood type
All the alleles in a population

14 Math Explains Allele Frequencies
p + q = 1 p = percent of dominant alleles in a population q = percent of recessive alleles in a population If 70% of alleles in a population are dominant then 30% must be recessive

15 Genotype Frequencies Square the equation p + q = 1 p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
Correlation between genotypes and variables in the equation are: p2 = AA 2pq = Aa q2 = aa

16 Hardy-Weinberg Equations
p + q = 1 Frequency of dominant alleles plus frequency of recessive alleles is 100% ( or 1) p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 AA plus 2Aa plus aa add up to 100% (or 1) Applies to populations that are not changing They are in equilibrium

17 Hardy-Weinberg Example
Normal pigmentation (not albino) = A Albinism recessive = a AA = (p2) = normal Aa = (2pq) = normal aa = (q2) = Albinism 1 in 20,000 people have albinism aa = 1/20,000 = a = 1/ =

18 First Equation p + q = 1 p + 0.00707 = 1 p = 1- q = .9929
p is the frequency of the dominant allele, A q is the frequency of the recessive allele a p = 1 p = 1- q = .9929

19 Second Equation p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1 p2 = AA 2pq = Aa q2 = aa
.9929 x = .9858 2pq = Aa 2 x x = .0140 q2 = aa .00005 = or 1

20 Cystic Fibrosis Cystic fibrosis affects 1 in 2000 white Americans
Cystic fibrosis is recessive = cc 1 in 2000 = 1/2000 = .0005 q2 = .0005 What is q?

21 Value of q q is the square root of q2 q2 = .0005
What is p?

22 Value of p p + q = 1 Since q = .022 Then p = .978 (1-.022)
What are the values for p2 and 2pq?

23 Values for p2 and 2pq P2 = pxp =.978 x .978 = .956
2pq = 2 x .978 x . 22 = .043 4.3% of population are carriers for cystic fibrosis

24 Problem Jack and Jill are expecting a baby. What is the chance the baby will have cystic fibrosis?

25 Solution The chance of Jack being a carrier is .043
The chance of Jill being a carrier is .043 The chance of two carriers producing a child with a recessive trait is .25 .043 x .043 x .25 = 1/2000

26 Practical Application of Hardy-Weinberg Equations
If you know the frequency of the recessive phenotype (aa) you can calculate the percent of the population that are carriers (Aa) and that are AA.

27 Populations are rarely in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium
Most populations are evolving Factors that cause allele frequencies to change Nonrandom mating Genetic drift Gene flow Mutation Natural selection

28 Nonrandom Mating Most people choose their mates based on
Physical appearance Ethnic background Intelligence Shared interests One-third of marriages are between people born less than 10 miles apart

29 Religious & Cultural Influences
Many people will only marry within their own religion or culture Consanguineous marriages increase risk of birth defects by 2.5 times

30 Hopi Indians Albinos stay in village with woman
Cannot tolerate the sun Albinos have more opportunity to mate with females 1/200 Hopi Indians are albino 1/8 are carriers

31 Genetic Drift Change in gene frequency when small a group of individuals leave or are separated from a larger population Founder Effect Bottleneck

32 Founder Effect 10 people leave to found a new population
10% with A allele Original Population 1% has allele A 10 Founders 10 people leave to found a new population 1 of the founders has allele A 10% of new population will have allele A

33 Ellis-van Creveld Syndrome
Dwarfism Extra fingers Heart defects High frequency in Amish population of Pennsylvania A founder of the population had allele for the syndrome

34 Bottleneck Population almost dies out
Survivors genes are at a higher frequency in the descendants than the original population

35 Cheetah Bottleneck 2 major bottlenecks
10,000 years ago 1800’s Present cheetah are more alike genetically than inbred lab mice

36 Gene Flow When genes move from one population to another
Genes flow between the two populations below OKC Dallas

37 Gene Flow Can change the frequency of genes in a population
If gene flow stops for a long period of time the two populations may change enough from each other to become new species.

38 No Gene Flow

39 Mutations Introduces new alleles into a population
Most mutations are lethal Mutation for no heart would be lethal Some mutations are beneficial Block infection of HIV

40 Beneficial Mutation Mutation for albinism beneficial for bears who live on the ice and snow Polar bears were once part of a population of brown & black bears Now polar bears are a separate species

41 Natural Selection Some individuals are more likely to survive and pass on their genes than others Nature selects against gene for black fur in the arctic Black fur does not enable bears in that environment to survive as well Nature selects against gene for white fur in Oklahoma White fur is not as advantageous in Oklahoma

42 Tuberculosis Number 1 killer in 1900
Antibiotics decreased cases dramatically 1980 very few cases Bacterium that causes TB is constantly mutating Mutant strains resistant to antibiotics are naturally selected to survive

43 Evolution of Tuberculosis
Cases of TB 1900 1980 2000

44 Sickle Cell Anemia Frequency
Sickle cell anemia is most common in parts of Africa with malaria Carriers who live in an environment with malaria have an advantage Immune to malaria

45 Why is the frequency of sickle cell anemia lower in the USA population of Blacks than African populations from which they originated? There is no selective advantage for the s allele in an environment with no malaria The frequency of the s allele in the USA Black population has dropped significantly in the last 300 years.

46 Stabilizing Selection
Average value selected for Extreme values selected against

47 Directional Selection
Favors values above or below average Population will shift to the favored value

48 Disruptive Selection Extreme traits are both favored
Birds with small bills and large bills are better feeders In a specific enrironment

49 Macroevolution Evolution that results in new species

50 Allopatric Speciation
A barrier separates a population into two subpopulations There is no gene flow between the two populations Each population changes with time Changes result in new species.

51 Sympatric Speciation Different individuals occupy different parts of the environment They breed in the areas they occupy

52 Convergent Evolution Whales are mammals Evolved a fish like body

53 Divergent Evolution Mammal Reptile Bird

54 Coevolution

55 Parallel Evolution

56 Gradualism or Punctuated Equilibrium

57 The End

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