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1 Endocytosis/Exocytosis
CELL PROCESSES Diffusion Osmosis Passive transport Active transport Endocytosis/Exocytosis

2 DIFFUSION The net movement of molecules from an area of many to an area of few = HIGH  LOW Occurs in liquids & gases When molecules spread evenly throughout a space, know as equilibrium

3 OSMOSIS Diffusion of H2O through cell membrane
Important to cells since 70+% of cell is water and they are surrounded by water

4 PASSIVE TRANSPORT When particles move across the membrane by diffusion
Uses NO ENERGY! Only small particles (ex. water, mineral ions, and sugar molecules)

5 ACTIVE TRANSPORT When particles REQUIRE ENERGY to move across a membrane Use of transport proteins Use when cell needs to override diffusion; moves substances from LOW  HIGH concentration (ex: root cells taking in minerals, p. 74)

6 Please sit quietly and watch the following clip about diffusion and osmosis:
United Streaming: Diffusion_And_Osmosis (2:03)

7 ENDOCYTOSIS (Endo=enter/into; Cytosis=pertaining to a cell)
Particles too big to pass through cell membrane using passive & active transport 1st: Large particle enclosed in part of cell membrane 2nd: Membrane folds inward to form a “bubble” around particle 3rd: The “bubble” pinches off, creating a vacuole/ vesicle

8 EXOCYTOSIS (Exo=leave; Cytosis=pertaining to a cell)
Opposite process of endocytosis 1st: Wastes in vacuoles or proteins packaged by Golgi Body are moved to membrane 2nd: Package fuses with membrane & contents are released to outside of cell

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