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Equine Dentistry: General Principles

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Presentation on theme: "Equine Dentistry: General Principles"— Presentation transcript:

1 Equine Dentistry: General Principles
Hypsodont Reserve crown Elliptical mastication pattern Wear pattern: Results in sharp enamel points. Buccal aspect (upper) Lingual aspect (lower)

2 Triadan Numbering System
100’s = Right maxilla 200’s = Left maxilla 300’s = Left mandible 400’s = Right mandible Incisors = 1,2,3 Canines = 4 Wolf teeth = 5 Premolars = 6, 7, 8 Molars = 9, 10, 11

3 Upper R Cheek Upper incisors Upper L Cheek
Lower R Cheek Lower Incisors Lower L Cheek

4 Dental Examination Visually inspect: Prior to rinsing mouth
After rinsing mouth Digitally palpate: Individual teeth Gingiva Palate Tongue Record findings on a standard form

5 Clues your horse may be having dental problems:
Performance habits Head tilt Head tossing Refusing the bit Eating habits Quidding-(dropping food) Slow, deliberate mastication Exaggerated tongue movement

6 More dental problem clues:
Change in fecal character Increase in fiber length Whole grain in feces Weight loss Poor body condition Facial asymmetry Unilateral nasal discharge Halitosis

7 Dental Examination: Juvenile
Age: 6 months to 7 years Incisors Check occlusion Inspect eruption pattern Canines erupting at this age. Premolars: Look for wolf tooth. Inspect for caps. Periodontal disease Molars Inspect eruption pattern. Exam frequency: semiannual

8 Incisors Age: 7 - 15 years Inspect for: Injury or damage
Supernumerary teeth Missing incisors Misalignment Wear pattern

9 Age: 7 – 15 years Check Canine teeth for: sharp points tartar

10 Age: 7 – 15 years Premolar and molar teeth-check for: Enamel points (odontophytes) Occlusion abnormalities Hooks and ramps Unopposed teeth Wave/Shear mouth Exam frequency - Annually

11 Dental Examination: Geriatric
Age: 15 years and older Premolar and molar teeth: Periodontal disease o Most common condition affecting horse > 15 years of age Gingival recession Molar cupping Wearing of infundibular enamel Dental caries Tooth root abscess Tooth loss Exam Frequency -semiannual

12 Dental Equipment Chemical restraint Dental halter Speculum
Xylazine Detomidine Butorphanol Dental halter Speculum Full-mouth Wedge Light source Floats/Motorized instruments Elevators/Extractors Perineural anesthesia

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