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2 Postwar Confidence and Anxiety 1945-1960

3 Objectives 17.1 An Economic Boom
Describe how the United States made the transformation to a peacetime economy. Discuss the accomplishment of President Harry Truman and Dwight Eisenhower. Analyze the 1950s economic boom.

4 Tennessee Curriculum Standards 17.1
EH8.8.2 Analyze how WWII affected the U. S. economy. EH9.2.1 Distinguish post-war social inequalities. EH Evaluate socio-economic impact of Baby Boomer generation

5 Terms and People 17.1 Demobilization GI Bill of Right Baby Boom
Productivity Taft-Hartley Act Fair Deal

6 Lecture 17.1 The Nation Recovers From War
Truman Overcomes Huge Obstacles Eisenhower Chart a Middle Path

7 Formative Assessment 17.1 code[nad]-[1010])
Social Studies United States History Assessment Chapter 17 Section One

8 Objectives 17.2 A Society on the Move
Examine the rise of the suburbs and the growth of the sunbelt. Describe changes in the U. S. economy and education in the postwar periods.

9 Tennessee Curriculum Standards 17.2
EH9.4.1 Recognize impact of technological/cultural changes on U. S. society. EH Evaluate socio-economic impact of Baby Boomer generation.

10 Lecture 17.2 Americans Move to the Suburbs
Eisenhower Interstate Highway System Migrating to the Sunbelt The American Economy Changes Focus Educational Opportunities Expand

11 Terms and People 17.2 Interstate Highway Act Sunbelt Service Sector
Information Industry Franchise Business Multinational Corporation AFL-CIO California Master Plan

12 Formative Assessment 17.2 (web code[nad]-[1010])
Social Studies United States History Assessments Chapter 17 Section Two

13 Objectives 17.3 Mass Culture and Family Life
Explain why consumer spending increased. Discuss the rise of new forms of mass culture.

14 Lecture 17.3 The Culture of Consumerism Family life in the Fifties
Television Takes Center Stage Rock-and-Roll Shakes the Nation

15 Tennessee Curriculum Standards 17.3
EH9.4.1 Recognize impact of technological/cultural changes on U. S. society. EH Identify TN’s influence on music industry. EH Evaluate socio-economic impact of Baby Boomer generation.

16 Terms and People 17.3 Consumerism Median Family Income Nuclear Family
Benjamin Spock Rock-and-Roll Elvis Presley

17 Formative Assessment 17.3 code[nad]-[1010])
Social Studies United States History Assessments Chapter 17 Section Three

18 Objectives 17.4 Dissent and Discontent
Describe the origins of rock-and-roll. Explain the importance of rock-and-roll in the popular culture of the 1950s.

19 Tennessee Curriculum Standards 17.4
EH9.2.1 Distinguish post-war social inequities. EH9.8.2 Identify Significant events in Civil Rights struggle.

20 Terms and People 17.4 Beatnik Inner City Urban Renewal
Termination Policy

21 Lecture 17.4 Critics Reject the Fifties Culture
Rural and Urban Poverty “Other Americans” Face Injustice

22 Formative Assessment 17.4 PHSchool.com9web code[nad]-[1010])
Social Studies United States History Assessment Chapter 17 Section Four

23 Summative Assessment Chapter 17 code[nad]-[1010]) Social Studies United States History Chapter 17 Progress Monitoring Assessments



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