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Operating Systems & online storage

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Presentation on theme: "Operating Systems & online storage"— Presentation transcript:

1 Operating Systems & online storage

2 Learning outcomes LO1: Be able to define different types of software. LO2: Apply the different types of software to various situations.

3 Starter- 5mins Answer the questions below...
What is meant by The Cloud? In what ways is Spotify better than your personal music library which is on your computer at home?

4 Activity 1- 15mins L5 resource 1

5 Activity- 3mins What is meant by Open source software? What is meant by Proprietary software?

6 Proprietary Software Proprietary software: iOS
Apple own iOS. They decide how iOS will look and what you can do on an iOS device. What you can change is limited by Apple

7 Open Source Software Open source software: Android. You can download the Android source code from here ng.html If you have the know-how you can edit Android to work any way you want. You can then start putting it on devices and selling your own phones and tablets E.g. Samsung/HTC/Nokia/Sony

8 Activity 2 1. For computer users who can program, what is the advantage of software being open source? [1 mark] 2. Why might Apple prefer iOS to be proprietary? [1 mark] 3. What would be the disadvantages of Microsoft Office becoming Open Source? [3 marks]

9 Plenary 1. Explain what is meant by the following terms
Hosted software [1 mark] Local software [1 mark] 2. Netflix allows users to instantly stream films over the Internet. This is software as a service A. Explain what is meant be software as a service [1mark] B. What advantage and disadvantages does this have over traditional film rental services such as Blockbuster? [2 marks]

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