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Particle Theory Section

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1 Particle Theory Section
Departmental Research Event 29 May 2009

2 who we are … 14 academic staff 27 research students 14* research staff
Physics Maths CPT IPPP SAA EWNG VVK GW PB PR AS CJM SP FK GMP JJ GH MRP RAG RG IPPP September 2008 14 academic staff 14* research staff 2 visiting researchers 27 research students 5 support staff 1 outreach manager

3 who we are ... 14 academic staff 27 research students
Particle Theory September 2008 14 academic staff 14 research staff 2 visiting researchers 27 research students 5 support staff 1 outreach manager

4 Standard Model “Theory of Everything”?
6 quarks* (u,d,s,c,b,t) 6 leptons (e,,,e,,) gauge bosons (,W,Z,g) Higgs boson ~10-18m D=4 + supersymmetry? particle  sparticle bottom up top down dark matter? bottom up + string, brane theory? M-Theory? ~10-35m D=11? *quarks and gluons confined in hadrons: Baryons (p,n), Mesons () “Theory of Everything”?

5 energy scales αs αw αEM Unification of couplings?
MPl Quantum Gravity Unification of couplings? Smallness of neutrino mass Unitarity of WW scattering Hierarchy problem? hierarchy αs αw αEM E Mgut Grand unification? susy Susy? LHC collisions TeV Mweak EWSB Physics by scale

6 the key scientific themes
particle physics the key scientific themes the origin of mass the origin of the matter-antimatter asymmetry in the universe the properties of neutrinos the unification of particles and forces including gravity the properties of the strong interaction dark matter

7 the programme 14.15 Nigel Glover Welcome and opening address Peter Richardson Simulating physics at the LHC Georg Weiglein Hunting for New Physics: Higgs, SUSY and beyond break for tea Joerg Jaeckel Non-accelerator experiments and axions Silvia Pascoli The role of neutrinos in the evolution of the Universe Ruth Gregory Detecting cosmic strings

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