Business Case Analysis & Presentation

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1 Business Case Analysis & Presentation

2 Why this semester? Do you thrive under pressure? Are you up for the challenge of making decisions, managing time, and thinking on your feet? If so, then we have the programme for you. IBEX Pressure Cooker is a unique experience that goes beyond the ordinary, using cases—actual business situations—as the basis for learning: As part of a senior management team, you’ll be responsible for identifying key challenges facing the organisation, formulating strategy, and making recommendations ………………….. Please visit

3 Semester learning goals
Learn how to critically analyze information through the use of case-based and live business scenarios Position: truly understand the internal and external position of a company, and identify the key issues Choices: generate alternatives which solve the company issues in a realistic and plausible way, and justify the choice for the preferred alterative Action: specify in detail the actions necessary to implement the preferred alternative, including a contingency plan Become proficient at developing logical, coherent, and well-supported arguments Refine your business skills, both written and verbal, for use in the business environment

4 Teaching Philosophy



7 Coherent program, inter-linked disciplines
Strategic ManageR (5 ec) Operations ManageR (3 ec) Marketing ManageR (4 ec) Finance ManageR (4 ec) Human Resource ManageR (3 ec) Business ManageR Skills (5 ec) 8 Electives (3 x 2 ec)





12 Grading Components Strategic ManageR Operations ManageR
Marketing ManageR Finance ManageR Human Resource ManageR After 6 weeks INDIVIDUAL written exam: integrative historical case After 12 weeks TEAM presentation: integrative life case, incl. written financial and marketing plan

13 INDIVIDUAL written exams
Template provided Read assigned case and prepare written submission of your analysis using template Take position of consultant hired by the company to assess the situation, make recommendations 5 different positions as a manageR: Strategy, Marketing, Operations, HR and Finance

14 TEAM presentation As a team, prepare a 20 minute presentation for the company (life case), the complete strategy, 10 min Q&A Every member of team must participate in discussion Written marketing and financial plans as appendices External guests can be invited to attend as judges

15 Business ManageR - Grading
21st Century Business Skills Team of 2 professors will interview students indivually (start, halfway and end); “portfolio of evidence” will be discussed Interviews will be recorded

16 Success in this Course = you participating! Question and explore
You get out of this what you put into it Agree to disagree when/if necessary You participate / present during each group presentation You participate in ongoing discussion about cases and/or course material You will receive / provide feedback during presentations Be prepared to pose questions to presenters

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