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3 facts you know about Russian history

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1 3 facts you know about Russian history
3-2-1 3 facts you know about Russian history 2 facts you know about Russia’s government 1 random fact you know about Russia

2 Homework for the Unit – due on day of test
Russia Reading Guide Vocabulary Terms

3 Homework tonight - FRQ The executive office consists of a head of state and a head of government. Describe key purposes of the head of state and the head of government. Identify the office that comprises the head of state in the United Kingdom and the office that comprises the head of state in the United States. Explain how the responsibilities between the two heads of states are different.

4 Making of the Modern Russian State
Geography and Critical Junctures

5 Russian flag


7 Largest country in the world by area
Geography of Russia Russian Federation Capital: Moscow Largest country in the world by area 146 million people – 73% live in urban areas Critical location – between Europe, Islamic world, and Asia

8 Decline of Russian tsarist state
Patrimonial state Ruler treats the state as personal property Serfs were emancipated in 1861 for modernization Continued discontent after Russo- Japanese war and czar repression March 1917 – Bolshevik revolution, end of tsarist regime

9 Bolshevik revolution (1917-1929)
1st country to base political system on Marxism What is Marxism? From Karl Marx; belief that in a capitalistic society, workers (proletariat) would revolt and overthrow the owners (bourgeoise) and create a classless society

10 1917 Marxism-Leninism Led by Vladimir Lenin Vanguardism
Bolshevik revolution 1917 Led by Vladimir Lenin Marxism-Leninism Vanguardism Democratic centralism

11 Lenin directed industrialization and agricultural development
Bolshevik Revolution Lenin directed industrialization and agricultural development 1922 – formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics

12 Placed Communist Party at center of control Collectivization
Stalinism ( ) Placed Communist Party at center of control Collectivization Agricultural land is removed from private ownership and organized into large state and collective farms Totalitarianism and Purges Attempts at De-Stalinization ( )

13 Perestroika and glasnost (1985-1991)
March 1985 – Mikhail Gorbachev 3 main goals of reforms Perestroika: economic restructuring Glasnost: openness Demokratizatsiia: a type of limited democratization

14 The Russian Federation (1991-Present)
Aug – conservatives led a coup d’etat to remove Gorbachev By Dec. 1991, 11 Republics had declared independence. END OF THE SOVIET UNION!!! Boris Yeltsin emerged as president Create a western-style democracy Constitution of 1993 Shock Therapy: rapid, radical, market reform

15 The Russian federation (1991-Present)
Yelstin’s Prime Minister was Vladimir Putin – became acting president in 2000 – Putin was President for constitutional limit – Dimitri Medvedev was elected president with Putin as PM 2012 – Putin is once again elected for a 6 year term

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