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Russian History WWI to Communist State.

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1 Russian History WWI to Communist State

2 Czar Nicholas II and Son

3 WWI Russia joined in the battle with enthusiasm
As war went on Russia began to suffer greatly. Not enough supplies, supplies not reaching front, no ammo, no medical care By 1915 Russian causalities reached 2 million Czar Nicholas II began to take advice from Gregory Rasputin

4 Rasputin: The Mad Monk

5 End of WWI and Revolution
Bad advice and public opposition to WWI led Czar Nicholas II abdicate. Bolsheviks, radical socialist group, took charge Vladimir Lenin was the leader Lenin believed lived in Marxism. He believed that only a violent revolution would be a change not gradual reforms.

6 V.I. Lenin

7 Revolution November 1917 (October) Red Guards, sailors attack the provisional gov’t Bolsheviks seize power with little bloodshed. Moscow becomes capital. Bolsheviks ended private ownership of land, then redistributed to peasants. Workers given control of mines/factories.

8 Soviet Union Flag: USSR

9 Civil War Hammer and sickle symbolized union between peasants and workers Bolsheviks renamed communists Reds vs. Whites Events: 1. Czar & Family shot, 2. Cheka established, 3. Trotsky becomes hero, Communists won

10 Leon Trotsky and Joseph Stalin

11 Struggle for Power 1924 Lenin dies
Power struggle between Leon Trotsky and Stalin Lenin had expressed doubt about Stalin Stalin had become powerful communists party member by placing supporters of himself in the party. Trotsky kicked out of communist party and exiled. He was later assassinated by Stalin secret agent in Mexico City

12 Stalin Era

13 Stalin Era Stalin takes control of Soviet Union
He tries to modernize Soviet Union with 5-year plans. Agricultural 5-year plan fails at the cost of millions of peasant lives. Industrial 5-year plan more successful. Stalin known to be cruel and paranoid.

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