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Presentation on theme: "COMPUTING FUNDAMENTALS"— Presentation transcript:


2 What is HTML? HTML is a markup language for describing web documents (web pages). HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language Hypertext is text displayed on a computer display or other electronic devices with references (hyperlinks) to other text which the reader can immediately access. A markup language is a set of markup tags HTML documents are described by HTML tags [2].

3 An HTML Example RESULT

4 Basics of HTML HTML is set of instructions. Each instruction for Example <TITLE>, is called element.HTML is a programming language of sorts. The instructions are not compiled by a traditional compiler but rather by a WWW browser. Some element can have qualities called attributes. All elements are enclosed in < > brackets. Most elements require start and end tag. The start tag for TITLE looks like <TITLE> and end tag looks like </TITLE>. The groups of elements are as follows: The HEAD elements The BODY elements  Within the BODY section, elements are broken into groupings: Character, Image, List, Figure, Table and Form elements.

5 The <HTML> Elements
The <HTML> element encloses the entire HTML document .The start tag <HTML> should be the first thing in HTML file and </HTML> should be the last one. Though it is optional but should be used. The <HEAD> Elements The <HEAD> element encloses the head section of the document. The title is always in the Head section. It is also optional. The <TITLE> Elements This element denotes the title of the documents.

6 The <Body> Elements
The BODY Elements encloses the body section of the document. Most elements are found within the <BODY> element. Attributes BACKGROUND—This attribute can be used to specify URL of an image to tile as the document background. BGCOLOR—This attribute can be used to specify a color of the default background. It uses the values of color. TEXT—This attribute can be used to set a default color for all text that is displayed. The default color is black.

7 The <H1> Through <H6> (HEADLINE)Elements
These elements are used for identifying headlines in the document. The <H1> element is used to denote the first level headline of an HTML document. There are six levels of headlines. The last is <H6>. All headlines must have end tags and be used in consistent. Attribute ALIGN—This attribute is used to specify where on the page the headline is to be displayed. The <B> (BOLD) Element The <B> element indicates that all characters between the starting tag <B> and ending tags </B> are to be bold. The <P> (PARAGRAPH) Elements The <P> Elements denotes the start of a new paragraph. The browser adds a blank at the point of tag <P> in order to separate two paragraphs. ALIGN—This attribute is used to specify where on the page the paragraph is to be displayed.

8 The <A> (HYPERLINK)Element The <A> (HYPERLINK)Element The <A> (HYPERLINK)Element
The <A> is used to add a hyperlink to the document. The important attribute is HREF. The HREF attributes gives the location of the document to go to when the link is selected. Attributes HREF—The HREF attribute specifies that the anchor is the start of a hyperlink. The value of HREF is the destination of the hyperlink. NAME---This attribute is used to specify the location of an internal reference in a document.

9 The <BR> (LINE BREAK) Element The <BR> (LINE BREAK) Element
This element is used for specifying line break in HTML document. The <BR> simply adds a carriage return at the location of the tag. The Image Elements The <IMG> element allows the user to include either GIF or JPEG images in the document. It is also used to create clickable image map which are also called inline graphics. Attributes SRC, WIDTH, HEIGHT, ALIGN, ALT, ISMAP, BORDER, HSPACE, VSPACE, USEMAP.

10 The LIST Element These are:
<UL> is used to list item without specific order <OL> is used to list item with specific order <DL> definition list <MENU> items are displayed in a list but without the bullets to left <DIR>items are displayed in columns across the page 20 chr. per item <LH> is used to identify list header and used right after <UL> tag <LI> is used to identify the items of list and used within <UL></UL>tags

11 LAB TASKS Design the following web page using heading H1 to H6.

12 2. Using Center tag, design the following web page.

13 3. Create a hyperlink and navigate to it from your web page.

14 4. Using font color, design the following web page.

15 5. Add an image to the webpage.

16 6. Use the align attribute with <p> tag, design the following web page:

17 7. Create a page having three types of lists
7. Create a page having three types of lists. Ordered list, unordered list and Definition list. 8. What is the relationship between SGML, HTML, XML and XHTML?

18 References


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