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Outlines for Lecture Notes

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1 Outlines for Lecture Notes
Public relations Outlines for Lecture Notes

2 Public Relations Defined
A systematic effort to alter public perceptions of, or on behalf of, a client through the strategic use of existing media outlets. Another definition from the Media & Culture chapter: “public relations refers to the total communication strategy conducted by a person, a government, or an organization attempting to reach and persuade an audience to adopt a point of view.”

3 Some history The first PR practitioners were simply theatrical press agents: those who sought to advance a client’s image through media exposure, primarily via stunts staged for newspapers. Ivy Ledbetter Lee, considered one of the founders of modern public relations. Lee understood that the public’s attitude toward big corporations had changed. He counseled his corporate clients that honesty and directness with public were effective tools. However, Lee had a “complex under- standing of facts” and didn’t think much of the public’s ability to think for themselves. Info on Edward Bernays and others in the assigned chapter.

4 A Bunch Of Stuff Called PR
Disseminating information through press releases or press conferences Answering questions from reporters Image consulting Planned philanthropy Publicity stunts and pseudo-events Creation of front groups to advance particular positions Fully orchestrated and comprehensive media campaigns that utilize various kinds of publicity.

5 PR & Advertising: The Differences
Advertising: controlled publicity that a company buys. PR: an attempt to secure favorable media publicity. Advertising: overt PR: covert Advertising: Audiences know the source. PR: Audiences rarely know the source Advertising: clearly separated from news PR: can have "aura" of legitimate news.

6 PR & News: A Delicate Symbiosis
Dependency/Control of Information Rewards and punishment Easy! Predigested news

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