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Bones Notes.

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1 Bones Notes

2 Skeletal System Bones (skeleton) The skeleton has 206 bones Joints
Cartilage ligaments

3 Divided into two divisions
Axial skeleton – bones of face & skull, vertebrae, sternum, ribs, sacrum Appendicular skeleton – bones of pectoral & pelvic girdle, extremities (arms & legs), bones of hands and feet


5 FUNCTION Support of the body Protection of soft organs
Movement due to attached skeletal muscles Storage of minerals and fats Blood cell formation (hematopoiesis)

6 Classification of Bone
Long bones Typically longer than wide Have a shaft with heads at both ends Examples: Femur, humerus, radius, ulna, metatarsal, metacarpals

7 Short bones Generally cube-shape Examples: carpals, tarsals, patella, calcaneus

8 Flat bones Thin and flattened Usually curved Examples: Skull bones (frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital), mandible, ribs, sternum

9 Irregular bones Irregular shape or does not fit into other categories Example: Vertebrae and hip


11 Bone Markings Surface features of bones
Sites of attachments for muscles, tendons, and ligaments Passages for nerves and blood vessels

12 Categories of bone markings
Projections and processes – grow out from the bone surface Tuberosity – large round projections Tubercle – small, round projections or processes Head – bony expansion carried on narrow neck

13 Trochanter – very large, irregular shaped process
Ramus – armlike bar of bone Condyle – round articular projection Spine – sharp, slender, pointed projection

14 Crest – narrow ridge of bone’

15 Depressions or cavities – indentations
Meatus – canal-like passageway Sinus – cavity within a bone filled with air lined with mucus membrane

16 Fossa – shallow, basin-like depression
Fissure – narrow slit-like opening Foramen – round or oval opening through bone

17 Bone Development

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