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Draft Changing substances: hierarchy of knowledge Chemical & physical

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1 Draft Changing substances: hierarchy of knowledge Chemical & physical
How is an expert’s understanding of the subject organised? Big idea Reactions rearrange matter During a chemical reaction, bonds are broken and the atoms of the reacting substances rearrange to form new bonds. The products have different properties to the reactants. In physical changes the molecules do not change, but their positions and their motion may. Unit concept Chemical & physical Unit concept pH scale Unit concept Neutralisation Sub-concepts Chemical change, physical change Sub-concepts Acid, alkali Sub-concepts Base Facts Neutral substances have pH 7 What scientific reasoning, maths, literacy and problem solving skills are developed? Skill area Develop hypotheses Identify and record key observations and suggest a hypothesis Skill area Consider risks Identify ways of reducing hazards and risks when carrying out an investigation Skill area Engineer solutions Design a solution to meet criteria Draft Note: the content is in draft form and may change when published © Mastery Science, 2018

2 I can use my knowledge to
Changing substances unit Chemical engineer Activate I understand earlier concepts Acquire I can make sense of the idea that .. Apply In unfamiliar situations, I can use the concept to .. Analyse I can use higher order thinking to .. Chemical & physical Material properties A chemical change makes a new substance. It is identified by changes in appearance, energy, mass, or chemical tests Use observations to identify a chemical or physical change Suggest a hypothesis about mass in a chemical change Evaluate an experimental method in terms of the hazards and risks pH scale Material properties The pH scale measures how acidic or alkaline a solution is. Indicators are substances whose colour depends on pH Identify the best indicator to distinguish solutions of different pH, from data Deduce the hazard of a substance from data about concentration and pH Neutralisa- tion pH scale Neutralisation is a chemical change when acid and alkali (or base) react to produce neutral substances Work out how to neutralise solutions based on pH Develop a method to design and test a safe, effective antacid Act I can use my knowledge to Design and build a system to reduce ocean acidification Note: the content is in draft form and may change when published © Mastery Science, 2018

3 (AQA Trilogy combined science)
Changing substances: national curriculum Which parts of KS3 are covered? AQA KS3 syllabus: Acids and alkalis Which parts of GCSE are covered? (AQA Trilogy combined science) pH scale The pH scale and neutralisation Develop hypotheses WS 2.1 Use scientific theories and explanations to develop hypotheses Consider risks WS 1.5 Evaluate risks in practical science WS 2.4 Identify risks and hazards What practical skills can be developed? Apparatus and techniques AT.3.C AT.6.C What resources are there to teach this unit? Below are some ideas. Visit to see more teaching & assessment resources, including: Advanced planners with teaching ideas for Acquire Mastery Practice Books to practise Apply Diagnostic and summative assessments for Acquire, Apply and Analyse Teaching ideas Analyse Students use information about the hazards and pH of a range of acidic and alkaline substances to choose a suitable chemical to use as an antacid. They then test their ideas and measure effectiveness by using them to neutralise acid, modelling what happens in the stomach Act Seawater acidity caused by increasing concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has negative effects on sea life. In this activity, teams use plastic tubing, bottles and balloons to design and build a system that blows bubbles of air to reduce the amount of dissolved carbon dioxide in water, changing the water from acidic to neutral Note: the content is in draft form and may change when published © Mastery Science, 2018

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