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The Endocrine System.

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1 The Endocrine System

2 Brain Pop How many different hormones do the endocrine glands make? Which glands are different in males and females? When is adrenaline released? What is type I diabetes?

3 The Endocrine System Made up of: Glands that secrete hormones
Organs that have hormone secreting cells Communicates by releasing hormones into the blood stream, cells that recognize the hormone respond

4 Function of The Endocrine System
Regulates metabolism, growth, and mood Maintains homeostasis Establish circadian rhythms Responds to stress

5 Endocrine Glands vs Exocrine Glands
Secrete products into ducts that go out of the body E.x. Endocrine Glands Secrete hormones in the body which diffuse into cells or organs

6 The Big Idea Hormones are chemical messengers that act on target cells (or organs) How does the endocrine system communicate with the body? nes-definition-function-intro-to-the- endocrine-system.html#lesson Communicates by releasing hormones into the blood stream, cells that recognize the hormone respond

7 Endocrine Glands Pituitary Thyroid Parathyroid Adrenal
Makes hormones that control other glands Thyroid Controls metabolism and rate at which cells burn fuel Parathyroid Regulate the level of calcium and phosphorous Adrenal Control fight or flight response, anti-inflammatory response and regulation of salt and water

8 Endocrine Glands Pineal Glands Hypothalamus Thymus Pancreas
Control your circadian rhythm Hypothalamus Links the endocrine glands and the nervous system Thymus Helps fight infection with the aid of T-cells. Pancreas Maintains a steady level of glucose in the body

9 Endocrine Glands Ovaries Testes Found only in women
Responsible for regulating menstruation and for secondary sex characteristics Testes Found only in males Responsible for secondary sex characteristics

10 Hormone Action Hormones act on specific target cells. How?
Target cells have hormone specific receptors

11 Hormones Respond Differently to the same Receptor
Why? Receptors are in different locations Lipid-soluble Receptors located inside target cell Water-soluble Receptors are part of cell membrane

12 Water soluble vs Lipid Soluble

13 Hormone Action Analysis
What’s a gland? What’s a hormone? How do glands and hormones work together? The body makes more than 20 hormones, each with a specific function. How is it that hormones know exactly which tissues and organs to communicate with? Describe the process.

14 Sleep Regulated by two systems Sleep/wake homeostasis
Circadian rhythm (biological clock) Which hormone is associated with sleep? Sleep needs Based on age fAbMbrZrA bQ0RxQu2gM

15 Circadian Rhythms What do circadian rhythms regulate?
When does the strongest sleep drive occur?

16 Circadian Rhythms When do the strongest circadian “dips” occur in teens? What does this result in? What is the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus?

17 The Pituitary Gland Divided into two lobes Anterior
Synthesizes and secretes hormones Posterior Contains axons and axon terminals Stores and releases two hormones Oxytocin Antidiuretic

18 Thyroid Gland Butterfly shaped Hormones control
Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) Normal body temp

19 Parathyroid Glands Contain cells that release parathyroid hormone
How many do we have? Four

20 Pancreas and Adrenal Gland
Has both endocrine and exocrine functions Adrenal glands Divided into adrenal cortex and adrenal medulla

21 Ovaries and Testes (AKA Gonads)
Produce eggs Testes Produce sperm

22 Nervous System Vs The Endocrine System
Characteristic Nervous System Endocrine System What the system uses to communicate with the body (Mediator Molecules) Where the communicate occurs (Site of mediation) Types of Target Cells Time of onset of action/response Duration of action/response

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