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Pebble Smartstrap Weekly Update #4

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Presentation on theme: "Pebble Smartstrap Weekly Update #4"— Presentation transcript:

1 Pebble Smartstrap Weekly Update #4
Mathew Hart Josh Lanxner Ryan Meyer Aaron Morgan

2 What We’ve Accomplished
Successfully tested new RF combo and were able to send and receive strings of characters Hacked the Smartwatch Cable Simple communication from Arduino to Smartwatch

3 New RF Combination Works better than last combo
Tested range as far as we could Around 25 feet Transmitter slightly smaller Transmit and receive characters

4 Hacked Smartwatch Cable
Used to communicate to smartwatch Completed ahead of schedule

5 Push Button Counter Detect if connected Push button wired to Arduino
Button presses counted on the Smartwatch

6 Tasks for This Week Understand how Virtualwire library works.
Test out more Serial Communications (wired) between Smartwatch and Arduino

7 Updated Gantt Chart

8 Questions? Comments? Concerns?

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