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Pituitary Gland Disorders

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1 Pituitary Gland Disorders
Omar DHAIMAT MD 9/16/2018

2 Introduction Six hormones are secreted by the anterior pituitary gland:ACTH,TSH,LH,FSH,GH,PrL. Two hormones are secreted by the posterior part:ADH,Oxytocin. Understand hypopituitarism. Pituitary tumors. 9/16/2018

3 Hypopituitarism Causes of hypopituitarism(hypothalamic versus pituitary). Either will result in deficiency of the hormones: (hypothyroidism ,hypogonadism, adrenal insufficiency,postpartum lactation failure,short stature). 9/16/2018

4 Diagnosis: Low serum levels of the appropriate pituitary hormone concurrent with low levels of the target –organ hormone. Stimulation tests: 1.GH: insulin,Arginine,l-dopa with or without propranalol. 9/16/2018

5 Diagnosis: 2. PrL: TRH,Metoclopramide. 3.TSH: TRH.
4.LH&FSH: GnRH,Clomiphene. 5.ACTH: insulin,Metyrapone,Cosyntropin. 9/16/2018

6 Treatment: Give the deficient end organ hormones.
Pituitary hormone replacement:growth hormone,HCG(for LH). Bracelet identification. 9/16/2018

7 Apoplexy .Means loss of consciousness followed by paralysis.
Classic pit.apo is an acute life threatening event characterized by severe headache and collapse with evidence of pituitary hemorrhage. Cranial nerves affected:2,3,4,6 ,7. Associated with hypopit.No post. Sub acute forms(dm,Scell). 9/16/2018

8 Pituitary Tumors: 10% of brain tumors. Benign.
Most common:PrL(26%),Nonfun(23%), Least common: TSH(1%). S&S related to mass effect,and excessive hormone production. Macro adenoma (>1cm). 9/16/2018

9 Acromegaly&gigantism
Features: gigantism:increased stature,before closure of epiphysis.Sweating,CTS,arthritis,hypertension,dm,Hypercalciuria,galactorrhea,sleep apnea,colon polyps.Enlargement of facial features,hands and feet. DX: most sensitive IGF1 are elevated.No suppression to O.Glucose.Base line PrL can be high due to mixed tumors.Imaging study: MRI,CT.Visual field examination. 9/16/2018

10 Acromegaly&gigantism
Treatment :surgery(TSS) then radiotherapy or Octreotide.Bromocriptine can be used with less effect. Cure: 1.Fasting growth hormone<5ng/ml.2.GH level<1 ng/ml following oral glucose.3.Normal level of IGF1. 9/16/2018

11 Prolactinoma: Most common.
Features: women(amenorrhea,with or without galactorrhea).Men(decreased libido&potency).Also,mass effect. 9/16/2018

12 Prolactinoma: Dx :exclude pregnancy,hypothyrodism and renal failure.Persistent PrL >200ng/ml.Stimulation test: TRH ,show no response. Treatment:dopamine agonist(Bromocriptine,Lisuride,pergolide and CABERGOLINE).Surgery &RT are second line. 9/16/2018

13 Pituitary Tumors TSH secreting tumors:rare,Hyperthyroidism features with goiter,high TSH,T4,T3 AND HIGH ALPHA SUBUNIT.No response to TRH. 9/16/2018

14 Pituitary Tumors Treatment: surgery or RT.
Gonadotropin-secreting tumors:are responsible for most non functioning tumors.FSH,LH AND alpha or beta subunit.Macro adenomas:headaches,visual changes and occasionally hypopituitarism.Testicular enlargement in men with FSH tumors.Treatment:surgery with RT. 9/16/2018

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