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Presentation on theme: "Painting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Painting

2 What is paint?

3 mud.

4 Pigments from various sources are suspended in MEDIUM or BINDER that hold the pigment together.
The Binder protects the pigment as well as giving it a grip to whatever support it is on. (Canvas, wall, wood…)

5 Lascaux






11 La Pittura Pg. 220 (Ch. 11)

12 Encuastic Hot wax + pigment=Encaustic

13 Fresco Pigment+limewater---applied to a wet plaster wall= Fresco

14 Tempera Water+pigment+gummy material (egg yolk) = Tempera

15 Oil Pigment+linseed oil= Oil

16 1608 Netherlands Dutch still life- “A dialogue between the newly affluent society and its material possessions.” pg.233

17 Vanitas Painting Frivilous quality of human existence.
Spiritual element

18 Watercolor Pigment+water=Water color

19 Xu Wei Allowed the water to be a determining factor
of form allowing an open depiction of nature.

20 Gouache pg Pigment+Chalk+water=Gouache

21 Acrylic Pigment+Acrylic Resin= Acrylic

22 Mixed Media Collage Sculptural

23 Collage (pg.244) Pasting of gluing fragments of printed matter, fabric, or natural material onto the two dimensional surface of a canvas or panel.


25 ‘Painting toward Sculpture’ pg. 248
Collage made 3D Half painting. Half sculpture Calls into question the concept of space.

26 Robert Rauschenberg pg. 250

27 Fred Tomaselli pg. 252





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