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CMPLDW2 – Prototype Modular Structure WECC LMTF Meeting March 2017

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1 CMPLDW2 – Prototype Modular Structure WECC LMTF Meeting March 2017
Bill Price GE Energy Consulting

2 CMPLDW2 Model Schematic
Modular Model Structure CMPLDW2 Model Schematic 2 9/16/2018

3 CMPLDW2 – 2nd-generation Composite Load Model
Modular Structure Add new component models (without modifying main model) Permit user-written component models Minimize Input data Data for load components do not need to be repeated for each instance of model that uses same parameter values CMPLDW2 input records identify location of data associated with each component and fractions of each component If composition is the same for a load zone (climate zone), input only once using _CMPLDW2 data management model PSLF Implementation Status CMPLDW2 available in V19.1. _CMPLDW2 available in V21 Next steps: Implement user-written submodel interface Implement other submodels, e.g. DER_A 3 9/16/2018

4 CMPLDW2 – Data Input Format
cmpldw2 <busno> “bus name” <bus kv> “id” : #r mva=<value> / disttype distdat / load1type load1datID load1frac / load2type load2datID load2frac / load3type load3datID load3frac / load4type load4datID load4frac / load5type load5datID load5frac / load6type load6datID load6frac / … … … loadNtype loadNdatID loadNfrac “X”type is the name of the component sub-model “X”datID is the identifying number of component’s data management (DM) model “X”frac is the fraction of load for that component (-1 to indicate 1. - S(other fractions) ) 4 9/16/2018

5 Sample CMPLDW2 Input Data
cmpldw2 11 "LOAD-CMP" "MC" : #1 mva=-0.8 / cmp_dist / cmp_dgpv  / cmp_mot / cmp_mot / cmp_mot / cmp_1pac /   cmp_stat  -101  /   cmp_elec   Notes: cmp_dist, cmp_mot3, etc. are not in quotes because they are parameter values, not parameter names. Parameter names could be added but are not necessary. “cmp” prefix identifies these as CMPLDW2 component sub-models “cmp” models do not appear in dynamic data file (.dyd); only their DM models “_cmp” appear. 5 9/16/2018

6 CMPLDW2 – Component DM Models
PSLF Data Management (DM) Models (for existing components) _cmp_dist – distribution equivalent model _cmp_stat – static load model _cmp_elec – electronic load model _cmp_mot3 – 3-phase induction motor _cmp_1pac – single-phase A/C performance model _cmp_dgpv – simplified PV DER model Initial underscore indicates it is a DM model referenced by a negative numeric ID. Data input once for a particular set of parameter values, e.g. _cmp_stat : "Pfs" 1 "P1e" 2 "P1c" 0 "P2e" 1 "P2c" 1 "Pfreq" 0 / "Q1e" 2 "Q1c" 1 "Q2e" 1 "Q2c" 0 "Qfreq" -1 Data ID number (e.g. -20) is used to reference this data in CMPLDW2 data – must be negative and unique within data set. Data can be viewed and edited in Model Edit (edmd) table and Model Record Editor Changes will affect all models using this data. 6 9/16/2018

7 _CMPLDW2 – Group data input for CMPLDW2
Format _cmpldw2 <num> “group name” <group type> : #r mva=<-value> / “Pmin” <value> PQmin <value> Vmin <value> / <cmpldw2 parameters> group type group name 0 (or omitted) climate (load) zone (-1) area name (area number) (-2) zone name (zone number) (-3) owner name (owner number Program treats this as a Data Management model, thus the initial underscore A CMPLDW2 model is automatically created for each load in the group Model is not created if Pload < Pmin or P/Q < PQmin or Vbus < Vmin Model is not created if a specific CMPLDW2 model is in the case <num> - data record ID (negative number) 7 9/16/2018

8 _CMPLDW2 – Group data input for CMPLDW2
Data input example for a load (climate) zone: _cmpldw2 -55 “NCI_RES” 0 : #1 mva=-0.9 / “Pmin” 50. “Pfmin” “Vmin” 0.8/ cmp_dist / cmp_dgpv / cmp_mot / cmp_mot / cmp_mot / cmp_1pac /   cmp_stat  -101  -1. /   cmp_elec  8 9/16/2018

9 Proposed Distributed Generation Modeling
When large, utility-scale DG (U-DER) is present Include substation transformer in powerflow model Include powerflow generator model at low-side bus Use any dynamic DG model (e.g. PVD1) Omit transformer from CMPLDW2 model (X = 0.) 9 9/16/2018

10 Other recent changes in CMPLDW, CMPLDWG, and CMPLDW2
Global parameters to omit composite load model if: Pload < dypar[0].cmp_pmin Pload / Qload < dypar[0].cmp_pqmin Vbus < dypar[0].cmp_vmin All default to 0., user can set in javaini.p 1PAC – Vstallbrk is always intersection of curves. 1PAC – removed clipping of compressor voltage at 1.2 p.u. MOT3 – permit reconnection after full UV trip (states held constant during trip) 10 9/16/2018

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