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Starting a Business Chapter 8.

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1 Starting a Business Chapter 8

2 Entrepreneur A person willing to take a risk to gain a profit and be their own bosses Any entrepreneurs that you know?

3 Entrepreneurs Have to learn and know about: Laws Regulations Tax codes

4 Famous Entrepreneurs Thomas Edison Steve Jobs Bill Gates
Mark Zuckerberg Shaylin

5 Famous Entrepreneurs

6 Relevant Factors? Start-up costs Maintenance costs Risk

7 Help from Government Startups – a beginning business enterprise
Small-business incubator – private or government funded agency that assists new businesses by providing advice or low-rent buildings and supplies Why is it important to generate jobs and create business?

8 Book Keeping Inventory - Extra supply of items that are used in your business, such as raw materials or goods for sale Wages Receipts – income received from the sale of goods and/or services; also, slips of paper documenting a purchase

You will need receipts, payroll forms, and expenses to file for taxes!!

10 Advertising Word of mouth is the best type of advertisement, especially in the service sector. Flyers, newspapers, community newsletters, and websites are all good places to advertise.

11 Sole Proprietorship Business owned and operated by one person
Smaller, possibly side businesses Farmers 18 million in the USA Advantages and disadvantages?

12 Proprietor Owner of a business

13 Unlimited liability Sole proprietors have unlimited liability
Requirement that an owner is personally and fully responsible for all losses and debts of a business

14 Assets All items to which a business or household holds legal claim
Examples… Farmers?...

15 Partnerships Business that two or more individuals own and operate
Examples? Pawn Stars Partnerships borrowing power is generally greater than sole proprietors. Why?

16 Limited partnership Special form of partnership in which one or more partners have limited liability but no voice in management

17 Limited Liability Company, LLC
Type of business enterprise that protects members against losing all of their personal wealth; members are taxed as if they in a partnership Hastert Trucking, LLC

18 Joint Venture Partnership set up for a specific purpose for a short period of time Real estate investors

19 The Corporate World

20 Corporation Type of business organization owned by many people but treated by law as though it were a person; it can own property, pay taxes, make contracts, and so on… Read about Wal Mart “The Biggest of Them All” pg 219 The corporation is separate from stockholders

21 Stock Share of ownership in a corporation that entitles the buyer to a certain part of the future profits and assets of the corporation

22 Articles of Incorporation
Document listing basic information about a corporation that is filed with the state where the corporation will be headquartered Four items: Name, address, and purpose of the corporation Names and addresses of the initial board of directors Number of shares of stock to be issued Amount of money capital to be raised through issuing stock

23 Corporate charter License to operate granted to corporation by the state where it is established

24 Stock Common stock – shares of ownership in a corporation that give stockholders voting rights and a portion of future profits Dividend – portion of a corporation’s profits paid to its stockholders Preferred stock – shares of ownership in a corporation that give stockholders a portion of future profits but no voting rights

25 Stocks Why would anybody want common stock if preferred stock gets paid first?? Bylaws – a set of rules describing how stock will be sold and dividends paid Stockholders elect a Board of Directors, bylaws govern the BoD and list their duties.

26 Franchise Contract in which one business sells to another business the right to use the franchisor’s name and sell its products

27 Franchises

28 Advantages and disadvantages
Name brand Method of business Advertising Success rate Disadvantages No control Legal problems?

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