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2 Corinthians 8:1- 5 “…their overflowing joy welled up in rich generosity… and they gave themselves to the Lord…” “…their overflowing joy welled up in.

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2 2 Corinthians 8:1- 5 “…their overflowing joy welled up in rich generosity… and they gave themselves to the Lord…” “…their overflowing joy welled up in rich generosity… and they gave themselves to the Lord…” 2 Corinthians 8:1-5

3 II Corinthians 8: 1- 7 Prayer Points grace overflowing…in rich generosity

4 Pray for a deeper level of surrender to the Lordship of Christ. “…themselves, they gave first to the Lord.” (v5) II Corinthians 8 Prayer Points

5 “ …they pleaded for the privilege of sharing.” (v4) Pray for missional willingness to overcome your fear and selfishness. II Corinthians 8 Prayer Points

6 “…they gave… beyond their ability.” (v3) Pray for your church to set a challenging offering goal. Prayer Points II Corinthians 8

7 “…they gave themselves…by the will of God also to us.” (v5) Pray for missionaries, mobilizers, volunteers and beneficiaries of Margaret Lackey ministries. Prayer Points II Corinthians 8

8 “…see also that you excel in this grace of giving.” (v7) Pray for God to accomplish something unexpected in your heart, your community and your church. Prayer Points II Corinthians 8

9 Christian Women’s/Men’s Job Corps  700 beneficiarie s  15 sites across Mississippi

10 College Outreach  More than 6,000 students participate in BSU  Margaret Lackey reaches out to over 500 internationals

11  Parchman Seminary partnership (NOBTS)  Offenders completed over 700 Bible study courses Criminal Justice Ministry

12 New Church Starts  6 new starts in 2011  164 baptisms recorded

13 Central Hills  2,429 summer campers  156 professions of faith

14 Community Mission Projects  1.4 million unreached Mississippians  Over 100 projects funded

15 Garaywa  1,500 summer campers  107 made professions of faith

16 Port Ministry  7,000 sailors visit Mississippi ports  Scripture and Jesus video distribution

17 Cross Cultural Evangelism  Mississippians worship in 7 different languages, and  Represent more than 60 different lifestyle segments

18 Disaster Relief  300 first responders are trained each year  Thousands of hot meals served

19 Language/Deaf Ministry  21 churches provide deaf ministries  Over 70 literacy specialists serve in Mississippi

20 Mission Volunteers  More than 1,500 volunteers assisted  Over 40 international connections


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