What you need for your assistantship

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Presentation on theme: "What you need for your assistantship"— Presentation transcript:

1 What you need for your assistantship
9/16/2018 What you need for your assistantship Benefits of your assistantship Payroll Direct Deposit/Payroll Deduction Financial Aid Rita Whitcomb – Area Finance Officer, Rick Grunewald- Associate Director of Payroll, Michelle Pingree – Assistant Director of Student Services and Outreach, Aaron Broadus – Senior Financial Aid Advisor,

2 Benefits of your assistantship
9/16/2018 Benefits of your assistantship What you need to do for your assistantship Where to look for assistantships and/or other funding opportunities Payroll Deduction Payroll Direct Deposit Financial Aid Questions

3 Benefits of Your Assistantship
Stipend: Paid the 10th and 25th of each month Step 26: $1,546/mo Step 32: $ /mo Step 48: $ /mo Tuition Waivers Instate waiver ~$5,445/sem Out of state waiver ~$6716/sem 1 year limit -Establish WA residency Medical Insurance Health Dental Payroll Deduction

4 Enroll in 10-18 credits What you need to do
9/16/2018 What you need to do Enroll in credits Complete your Responsible Conduct Training Maintain cumulative 3.0 GPA Reside in the state of WA Establish Washington Residency Update your local/mailing address in ZZUSIS Remain enrolled in 10/18 credits for the entire semester

5 What you need to do I9 – needs to be completed by 8/16, your department will work with you on this W4 – you can find this on the Payroll Website. You are responsible to submit this Average hours work requirement 20hrs/week. Comply with duties assigned Continue academic progress Look at your student account, if something does not appear correct by 9/8/15 contact your department

6 Tuition Cost and Fees for Pullman Graduate Students (fees based on FY15, tuition and fees not finalized for FY16) DESCRIPTION RESIDENT NONRESIDENT Operating/Building/Service & Activity Fee 5,892.00 Non Resident Tuition 6,716.00 TOTAL TUITION & FEES per semester 12,608.00 Less: Operating Fee Waiver/Qualified Tuition Reduction 5,445.00 Less: Non Resident Waiver RESIDUAL TUITION TO BE PAID BY STUDENT 447.00 Other charges to be paid by student: Student Recreation Center 153.00 Health & Wellness Fee 180.00 Pullman Transit Fee 27.41 Compton Union Building (CUB) Renovation Fee 120.00 TOTAL TO BE PAID BY STUDENT EACH SEMSTER $927.41 Tuition is due the 1st day of classes. You must pay your portion of tuition dues or sign up for payroll deduction.

7 Important Dates 8/16/15: 1st day of assistantship
8/19/15: Waivers begin to post to student account 8/19/15: Financial Aid begins disbursement 8/24/15: 1st day of classes 9/8/15: If waivers not posted, contact your department 9/7/15: last day to sign up for payroll deduction 9/8/15: 1st late fee

8 Other Funding Opportunities
Graduate School Friday Focus- check your WSU Facebook.com/WsuGraduateSchool Website current student Scholarships  department submits to GS HRS website Student jobs  COUGlink Department Faculty Graduate Coordinator OGRD Graduate Assistant Hannah Merley,

9 Payroll Payroll checks are distributed on the 10th and 25th each month
Pay period August 16th through August 31st = Paycheck September 10th Pay period September 1st through September 15th = Paycheck September 25th Student Pay Information Apply for Payroll Deduction by September 7th (Fall Semester) & January 24th (Spring Semester) Last date to pay tuition before Late Fees Accrue is September 9th Tuition and fees deducted over 8 pay cycles, starting the September 25th 2015 with a fee of $8 per semester Apply for payroll deduction in ZZUSIS

10 Payroll Direct Deposit
Convenient and efficient Saves time and it is free Safe and secure Most WSU employees enroll in direct deposit How to enroll Complete the Direct Deposit Authorization Card at Payroll Services, or print one from our website: Attach a voided check, or a preprinted deposit ticket, or the top part of your bank statement that shows your name, full account number and routing numbers Bring or mail the above to Payroll Services, French Ad 236 Must be received by Payroll Services 10 days before payday payday you want it to be effective Payroll Services: French Administration Building, Room 236 Phone:

11 Most Common Types of Financial Aid
By completing the FAFSA, you are eligible for: Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan $20,500 unsubsidized 5.84% Interest, with a 1.07% origination fee Graduate Plus Loan Borrow the remaining up to the Cost of Attendance Covers the different of costs less other aid/resources 6.84% interest rate, 4.29% origination fee Based on credit check If denied, can appeal or obtain an endorser Federal Work Study Eligible for up to $4000

12 Cost of Attendance – financial aid style

Date Process January 31st WSU Scholarship Deadline February 15th FAFSA Priority Deadline May 15th Additional Documentation Requests June Final Awards Summer Accept Awards in zzusis Finalize zzusis checklist items 1. Entrance Counseling 2. Master Promissory Note (MPN) 3. Grad Plus Loan App / MPN Week before School Electronic Aid Delivery Friday before School Starts Direct Deposits Sent First Day of Classes Checks Mailed! FINANCIAL AID TIMELINE

14 Academic Year Revision Request
When there are additional expenses… Finaid.wsu.edu/forms Academic Year Revision Request Travel/Transportation Child Care Expenses Non-resident Graduate WITHOUT an assistantship One Time Computer Purchase Approved funding will increase the budget to allow for more aid to be offered This is usually a loan (unsub or grad plus)

15 Student Financial Services
Resources Student Financial Services Lighty 380 Phone: Appointment: finaid.wsu.edu – appointment scheduler Student Accounts French Administration 342 Phone:


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