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Welcome to Education Week! November 2009

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1 Welcome to Education Week! November 2009

2 Ailments and Their Emotional Connection
Jennifer Hochell Pressimone Regional Manager, FL

3 Western Midwest Central Southern North East
Ray Lambert Aaron Wengert Scott Terry Jon Terry Doug Jensen

4 3 Options to Choose From for Each Webinar
You may watch any of the webinars at your convenience from Nov. 16th – 23rd If the first webinar option is full, try the 2nd then 3rd options There is a 1,000 person limit on each option

5 Product Credit All product credit certificates will be placed on your account by November 25, 2009 All product credit certificates expire on January 31, 2010 Be sure use the promotion number NOT the regular product stock number Ed Week Promotions Purchased Product Credit Earned $100 $25 $200 $50 $300 $75 $400


7 Certificate of Completion
Download at your convenience starting November 16th Type in your name, print it off

8 Download the PPT or PDF Files
Access different types of files PDF PDF with Note Space PPT

9 To Listen to This Webinar by Phone:
Access Code Listen at your convenience November 16th – 23rd This is not a toll-free call

10 Boomerang Special November 16th – 23rd Only!
Purchase & Save Finance $50 Off Your cost: $445.00 Free Air Quality Test Kit Promo #: Savings Value: $250.00 $150 Down $88 Per/month (4 months) No Air Quality Test Kit Phone orders only! Stock #:

11 Health From Home Magazine
Highlights some of our best-selling products such as Silver Shield, Sunshine Heroes and more! Tells the NSP Story and explains why we’re the leader in quality and product safety Features 17 manager profiles and 2 guest columnists – Dr. Stephen Covey and Dana Torres Stock # for a pack of 10

12 Jennifer Hochell Pressimone
Nature’s Sunshine Regional Manager Owner of Clermont Herb Shoppe & Day Spa and JennScents Aromatherapy Regional Director with NAHA – National Association of Holistic Aromatherapy Author and Educator

13 Physical Ailments and Emotional Imbalances
Harmony – body, mind and spirit all working together synergistically Disruptions in harmony = miscommunication among cells, organs, body systems and nerve impulses First step to re-balancing the body is Recognition of imbalance

14 How the Body Works: Energetic Connection
The body is made up of energetic molecules that continuously flow to provide fuel for our cells, organs and systems to function. It is when this energy flow is disrupted or halted that physical, mental and emotional imbalances begin.

15 Emotions and Energy Emotions are energy in motion
When energy gets stuck or is halted, emotions get stuck, too. For example, someone who holds grudges and can’t let go or is chronically grieving and can’t move on

16 “Stuckness” contributors: lymphatic congestion, poor circulation, physical impairment, lack of movement, poor mental strength and lack of skills or tools

17 Getting Unstuck Herbal Supplement Basics Aromatherapy:
Lymphatic Drainage (#3171-7) Thai-go (# ) or Super ORAC (#808-3) Aromatherapy: Citrus Oils, Lavender, Geranium, Rosemary

18 How Herbal Supplements and Aromatherapy Can Help
Energetic level (Hz) Body: Hz Healthy: Higher Hz Unhealthy/Sad: below 40 Hz Herbs (fresh & dried): Hz Essential oils: Hz The body’s energy flow affects overall health and may lead to ailments

19 Connection Between Physical Ailments and Emotional Concerns
200 BC, Chinese came up with emotional links to various organs Research findings showed that unresolved emotions are stored in the spinal fluid which may lead to organ imbalances Must recognize these unresolved emotional issues in order to move past them and improve the physical ailments

20 Digestive System Responsible for: up to 80% of the immune system
Serotonin uptake Production of Hydrochloric Acid,Probiotics and Vitamin B Culprits Inflammation Malabsorption

21 Digestive System Imbalances
Malabsorption – not holding onto nutrients not absorbing happiness and joy from life Poor digestion - gas, bloating, acid reflux Excessive worry, mental chatter, overwhelmed, depression, sadness Lecithin, Food Enzymes, Probiotics, Chlorophyll, Digestive Bitters EO’s: Lavender, Roman Chamomile, Peppermint

22 Intestinal System Responsible for: Culprits
Eliminate undigested food, solid wastes, toxins Improper elimination dumps toxins in lymphatic system Utilization of Hydrochloric Acid, Probiotics and Vitamin B Culprits Inflammation Poor elimination

23 Intestinal System Imbalances
Constipation - not letting go Diarrhea – feelings of losing control Ulcers – Something is eating away at you Irritable Bowel - irritated by circumstances Emotions: crave warmth, overprotective

24 Intestinal System Imbalances
Lecithin, Water, Intestinal Soothe & Build, Amino Acids, Inflammation Homeopathic EO’s: Roman Chamomile, Marjoram, Patchouli

25 Circulatory System Responsible for:
Provides all living cells with oxygen and nutrients Includes the heart, arteries and veins Represents rhythm, balance, stillness and continuous flow Heart is the center of love and security Emotional culprits: rejection, broken heart, trust issues, feel unloved

26 Circulatory System Imbalances
High Blood Pressure – long time, unresolved emotional issues Low blood pressure – feel defeated Varicose veins – standing in a situation you despise; discouraged Cholesterol – clogging joy and happiness

27 Circulatory System Imbalances
Gingko Biloba, Cardio Assurance, Chinese Stress Relief, RG Max, Lecithin, Vitamin E with Selenium EO’s: Rosemary, Ylang Ylang, Cellutone

28 Urinary System Responsible for: Maintains proper pH balance
Buffers acidity Regulates electrolytes Filtering wastes and toxins out of blood Wastes converted to urea in the liver when combines with water Emotions of fear and shame

29 Urinary System Imbalances
Urinary / Kidney Issues – fear, shame Arthritis – feel like they are being criticized Gout – need to dominate, impatient Skin Issues – anxiety, feel threatened Lower Back Pains – fear of money

30 Urinary System Imbalances
Urinary Maintenance, KB-C, Cellu-Smooth, Chlorophyll, Kidney Drainage EO’s: Pine, Frankincense, Lemon, Cellu-tone

31 Immune System Can’t point to one place and call it the immune system (all organs) Made up of: Lymphatic fluid, lymph nodes Spleen Bone marrow Thymus gland Promotes optimal function to fight against foreign invaders (bacteria, virus and fungus)

32 Immune System Imbalances
General infections /Take long time to heal Lymphatic congestion – refocus on self Colds/flu – run down, given too much without replenishment, boredom with life Emotions: Obsessive/compulsive, self-doubt

33 Immune System Imbalances
Elderberry Defense, Aqua-sol Silver, Immune Stimulator, Lymph Drainage, Influenza, Cold EO’s: Thyme, Clove, Guardian, Lemon, Cinnamon

34 Respiratory System Responsible for: Culprits
Takes in oxygen and removes CO2 wastes Lungs filter air and help the body’s natural elimination process Bacteria, germs and abnormal cells cannot thrive in an oxygen enriched environment Culprits Poor digestion Lack of oxygen / Poor circulation Grief, guilt and trouble adjusting to change

35 Respiratory System Imbalances
Bronchitis – argumentative Asthma – being smothered Pneumonia – deep seated emotions from past Coughs & chest congestion – want to be heard

36 Respiratory System Imbalances
FOUR, Lymphatic Drainage, Bronchial Formula Cough Syrup (DH, LP, NT) EO’s: Eucalyptus, Frankincense, Guardian, Sandalwood

37 Nervous System Responsible for: Our internal communication system
Made up of brain, spinal cord and nerves Houses the Limbic System – Sense of Smell Top system out of balance with most people Sleep, nervousness, nerve pain

38 Nervous System Imbalances
Anxiety – possible low blood sugar (losing sweetness in life) Adrenal fatigue – giving without receiving nourishment, not worthy Neuropathy – not setting boundaries, oppressed

39 Nervous System Imbalances
Lecithin, Nutri-Calm, GABA, Chinese Stress Relief, Distress Remedy, Pain Homeopathy EO’s: Red Mandarin, Neroli, Clary Sage, Marjoram, Roman Chamomile

40 Glandular System Responsible for: Balancing hormones
Growth spurts, sexual identity, body temperature, reproduction Emotional distress Works directly with the nervous system to maintain homeostasis (balance) Made up of Thyroid, Adrenal, Reproductive, Pancreas, pituitary, thymus

41 Glandular System Imbalances
Thyroid – thyroid imbalances, laryngitis Not speaking up for yourself, self-expression Thyroid Support, Sore Throat Homeopathic Myrrh, Lemon, Thyme, Sandalwood

42 Glandular System Continued
Adrenals – fatigue, exhaustion Giving without receiving, no boundaries, self-worth Adrenal Support, Adaptamax, Chinese Stress Relief, Fatigue/Exhaustion Homeopathy Red Mandarin, Pine, Cinnamon (self-worth)

43 Glandular System Continued
Reproductive –PMS, menopause, hot flashes Bitterness, resentment, judgmental, low self-esteem Master Gland, Super Algae, Super GLA, Lecithin, Homeopathy (PMS, Menopause, Feminine Tonic) Geranium, Rose, lemon, Clary Sage

44 Glandular System Continued
Pancreas – blood sugar imbalances, diabetes Losing the sweetness in life, loss of joy Pro-Pancreas, D3, Ayuvedic Blood Sugar Formula citrus, neroli (bitter orange tree), peppermint, cinnamon

45 Hepatic System Made up of liver, gall bladder
Liver responsible for over 120 processes including detoxification Organ of heat; ailments have heat Headaches, hot flashes, high blood pressure, anger Gall bladder produces bile to emulsify fat and neutralize acidity

46 Hepatic System Imbalances
Hot Flashes -feel unloved, unhappy with self, angry with transition Headaches – self-criticism, resisting flow of life Gall Stones - feel attacked; not stand up for self

47 Hepatic System Imbalances
Liver Cleanse, Gall Bladder Formula, Milk Thistle Combination, Lecithin, SF EO’s: Lemon, Rose, Helichrysum, Peppermint, Tei Fu (EO & Lotion)

48 Structural System Responsible for:
Providing support and structure for body Protect vital organs Assist in movement Made up of skin, bones, muscles, membranes, connective tissue, hair and nails Imbalance: poor posture, muscle cramps, alopecia, joint pain

49 Structural System Imbalances
Arthritis (changes, direction in life) Osteoporosis (lack of support) Skin Irritations (individuality being threatened) Scar tissue (building up a wall; defensive)

50 Structural System Imbalances
Multivitamins, HSN-W, Bone/Skin Poultice, Lecithin, MSM, Everflex (Capsule & Cream) EO’s: Frankincense, Helichrysum, Clove with Ginger

51 Bringing It All Together
Start with one thing at a time – life upgrades Wellness Program Nutrition Deep Breathing FUN!!! Supplements Aromatherapy

52 Thank You! Jennifer Hochell Pressimone
Nature’s Sunshine Regional Manager

53 References The Body Electric, Dr. Robert O. Becker, MD.
JennScents Aromatherapy for Body Systems Certification Course, JennScents Aromatherapy for Emotional Healing Certification Course, Various Classes, Tree of Light Institute, Heal Your Body, Louise L. Hay,

54 Questions?

55 Education Week Promotions Available thru Monday November 23rd
Get $2 off Lecithin Promo # $17.25 Stress Relief TCM Promo # $28.10 Get $1 off Lymphatic Drainage Promo # $15.30 Buy 4 get 1 free Lecithin Promo # $77.00 Stress Relief TCM Promo # $120.40 Lymphatic Drainage Promo # $65.20 Buy 9 get 3 free Lecithin Promo # $173.25 Stress Relief TCM Promo # $270.90 Lymphatic Drainage Promo # $146.70

56 Thank you for attending!

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