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冀教版五年级上册英语 Lesson 21: How Can We Go to Beijing ? 西长寿小学 马杏伟.

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Presentation on theme: "冀教版五年级上册英语 Lesson 21: How Can We Go to Beijing ? 西长寿小学 马杏伟."— Presentation transcript:

1 冀教版五年级上册英语 Lesson 21: How Can We Go to Beijing ? 西长寿小学 马杏伟

2 . Let's review taller than shorter than older than younger than

3 What's this? car bus taxi truck bicycle

4 . fast An airplane . is slow . A bus

5 A train is faster than a bus but slower than an airplane.

6 An airplane is faster than a taxi .
Let's Practice ! slow A bicycle is slower than a car. fast A train is faster than a bus.

7 Listen,look and answer! How can they go to Beijing?
How does LiMing’s mother want to go to Beijing? How does LiMing want to go to Beijing?

8 Let’s go to Beijing by plane, Mum ! Planes are fast !

9 No, Li Ming. I want to take a bus.

10 A bus is slow ! I don’t want to go by bus !

11 Let’s take a train ! A train is slower than a plane but faster than a bus !

12 LiMing: Let’s go to Beijing by plane, Mum ? Planes are fast !
Mum: No, Li Ming. I want to take a bus. LiMing: A bus is slow ! I don’t want to go by bus ! Mum: Let’s take a train ! A train is slower than a plane but faster than a bus !

13 Let's discuss !

14 A plane is fast. A bus is slow
A plane is fast. A bus is slow. Let’s take a plane, that is how I want to go ! A plane is fast. But let’s take a bus. A bus is slow.But it doesn’t cost as much !

15 Please, not a bus. Let’s take a train
Please, not a bus ! Let’s take a train! It’s faster than a bus, and it’s cheaper than a plane ! A Train’s just right ! Oh, hooray, Li Ming ! We can take a train on our trip to Beijing !

16 2.How can we go to Shijiazhuang\Shanghai\Canada?
Homework 1.Activity Book Lesson 21. 2.How can we go to Shijiazhuang\Shanghai\Canada? How do you want to go ? Why ? Discuss in groups.

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