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Date of download: 3/6/2018 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved.

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1 Date of download: 3/6/2018 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Performance Evaluation of a Planar 3DOF Robotic Exoskeleton for Motor Assessment J. Med. Devices. 2009;3(2): doi: / Figure Legend: CAD drawings of Planar MEDARM: (a) setup with a user, (b) top view, and (c) side view. Actuation cables are not shown for clarity.

2 Date of download: 3/6/2018 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Performance Evaluation of a Planar 3DOF Robotic Exoskeleton for Motor Assessment J. Med. Devices. 2009;3(2): doi: / Figure Legend: Top view schematics of (a) Planar MEDARM and (b) KINARM. Planar MEDARM provides planar 3DOF motion (shoulder, elbow, and wrist), and is driven by a joint that is offset from the shoulder joint axis and that is part of a virtual four-bar linkage. KINARM provides planar 2DOF motion (shoulder and elbow) and is driven directly through the shoulder joint axis, where the elbow is driven by a four-bar linkage (parallelogram). The shoulder joint axis is the only support point for KINARM, while Planar MEDARM is supported by its curved track.

3 Date of download: 3/6/2018 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Performance Evaluation of a Planar 3DOF Robotic Exoskeleton for Motor Assessment J. Med. Devices. 2009;3(2): doi: / Figure Legend: A labeled schematic of the virtual four-bar linkage. θo=−20 deg, lo=0.125 m, lsd=0.20 m, and lg=0.25 m. lu is the length of the user’s upper arm, and is a fixed value between 0.26m and 0.37m. θsd is the shoulder driving joint angle, θs is the shoulder joint angle, and θg1 is the guide pulley angle. τsd is the torque applied at the shoulder driving joint, and τs is the torque that appears at the shoulder joint. Positive angle is defined as counterclockwise from the x-axis.

4 Date of download: 3/6/2018 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Performance Evaluation of a Planar 3DOF Robotic Exoskeleton for Motor Assessment J. Med. Devices. 2009;3(2): doi: / Figure Legend: A photo of the fully constructed Planar MEDARM prototype in its original configuration. The view was chosen to match the CAD view from Fig. .

5 Date of download: 3/6/2018 Copyright © ASME. All rights reserved. From: Performance Evaluation of a Planar 3DOF Robotic Exoskeleton for Motor Assessment J. Med. Devices. 2009;3(2): doi: / Figure Legend: Results of the vertical compliance test, comparing Planar MEDARM with KINARM

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