Key Figures Regents Review Part 3

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1 Key Figures Regents Review Part 3
Who Am I? Key Figures Regents Review Part 3 Test Your Knowledge

2 Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Alexander the Great Mikhail Gorbachev Catherine the Great Benito Mussolini Garibaldi Commodore Perry Justinian Julius Caesar Nelson Mandela Chiang Kai-Shek Ayatollah Khomeini Mansa Musa Nikita Khrushchev Simon Bolivar Archduke Franz Ferdinand Boris Yeltsin

3 Mikhail Gorbachev Last Communist leader of the Soviet Union
Perestroika – Policy of reform of economy and government Glasnost – Policy of Openness to Democratic Ideas

4 Alexander the Great Macedonian (Greek) Emperor- created huge empire
Conquered Greece, Egypt, India, and Persia Blended these four cultures into Helenistic Culture

5 Catherine the Great Czarina of Russia
Wanted to expand Russian territory “Enlightened Despot” – liked the ideas of the Enlightenment

6 Benito Mussolini Dictator of Italy during World War II
Extreme Italian Nationalist Joined with Hitler and Japan to form the Axis Powers

7 Justinian Emperor of Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire
Preserved laws with Justinian’s Code

8 Julius Caesar Roman General and Dictator Expanded the Roman Empire
Assassinated by members of Roman Senate

9 Garibaldi Italian Nationalist
Helped Unite Italy by conquering Sicily and Southern Italy Led an army called the “Red Shirts”

10 Commodore Perry American Naval Commander
Opened Japan to trade ending their isolation

11 Chiang Kai-shek Nationalist leader of China
Fought against Mao Zedong in the Chinese Civil War He lost and established Republic of Taiwan

12 Mansa Musa King of Mali His rule led to a Golden Age in West Africa

13 Nelson Mandela Fought Apartheid policies in South Africa
Spent 27 years in jail fighting racial inequality Became first black President of South Africa

14 Ayatollah Khomeini Spiritual Leader in Iran
Helped develop theocracy there Anti-American Fundamentalist Muslim

15 Boris Yeltsin President of Russia
Leader of Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union Reformed Russia’s government and economy

16 Simon Bolivar Nationalist/independence leader in South America
Led an army to win independence from Spain His nickname is the “Great Liberator”

17 Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary His assassination directly led to World War I

18 Nikita Khrushchev Communist leader of the Soviet Union
Lead USSR during the Cuban Missile Crisis De-Stalinization

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