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2 Satan... The Great Sifter Luke 22:31-32

3 Chronology Of The Events
During the last week [Thursday evening] In just a few hours, Jesus is arrested and on the cross by 9:00 a.m. Friday Some very important events have already occurred

4 Chronology Of The Events
What had already happened Jesus washed the disciples’ feet Jn 13:1-20 Jesus identified His betrayer Jn 13:21-27 Judas left to complete his treachery Jn 13:28-30

5 Chronology Of The Events
What had already happened Jesus warned His disciples of their pending desertion Mk 14:27-31 It was then that Jesus spoke these words to Peter Lk 22:31-32

6 Lessons From This Passage
Satan has to ask permission He wants to try or test man’s faith to cause him to fail He must obtain Divine permission Job 1: :4-7 He is under Divine limits Cor 10:13

7 Lessons From This Passage
Satan has to ask permission He had already tempted & “secured” Judas Jn 13:27 Now, he sought another apostle This evidences a world & conversations humans don’t see or hear Job 1:7 2:3

8 Lessons From This Passage
Satan seeks to separate us from God “Sifting” = the analogy Jesus chose A process of separation (agitation)

9 Process Of Sifting Grain

10 Lessons From This Passage
Satan seeks to separate us from God “Sifting” = the analogy Jesus chose A process of separation (agitation) After sifting Peter, Satan hoped nothing good would remain (faith, etc.)

11 Lessons From This Passage
Satan can be overcome By Christ’s prayer He wants us to succeed…He petitions God on our behalf He doesn’t want us to “fail” (eclipse)

12 Lessons From This Passage
Satan can be overcome By Christ’s prayer He is our Intercessor & Advocate Heb 2: : Jn 2:1

13 Lessons From This Passage
Satan can be overcome By our own resolve & service Jesus knew Peter would “return”…he would repent, resolve to do better Upon doing so, Peter would need to help others avoid the same “sifting”

14 Lessons From This Passage
Satan can be overcome By our own resolve & service Consider some of Peter’s later writing 1 Pet 1:5-7

15 Conclusion The best way to avoid Satan’s “sifter” is to maintain strong faith, avoid places or even attitudes that agitate (separate) We need to know Satan is still asking God for permission to sift His people

16 Conclusion A “sifter” may not seem as dangerous as a “roaring lion on the prowl”…but, the end result is the same Satan asks God for our destruction Jesus is praying for our salvation


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